ISBN: 9781975197162
Код товара 160277
ACSM's Nutrition for Exercise Science

ISBN: 9781975197162
Код товара 160277
20 819 ₽
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Dan Benardot
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Тип обложки
275 x 214 x 24
Год издания
Вес (г)
Кол-во страниц
О чём книга?
An invaluable resource for both exercise science majors and non-majors, ACSM's Nutrition for Exercise Science, 2nd Edition, demystifies the relationship between nutrition and exercise science and prepares you to confidently apply concepts to clinical practice.
Drawing on author Dan Benardot's extensive experience as an instructor, scientist, this engaging, authoritative text delivers an evidence-based yet accessible exploration of how nutrition impacts various aspects of active populations, from general health to muscle development, exercise recovery, injury prevention, and psychological well-being. Real-world examples and case studies bring difficult concepts to life, equipping you with the knowledge and confidence to support the nutritional needs of active populations throughout your healthcare career.
● NEW! Comparative Case Studies at the end of each chapter challenge students to apply what they’ve learned to varying active populations from endurance athletes to power-training athletes to team sports participants.
● Practical Application Activity boxes provide engaging practice assessing diets, analyzing energy balances, and other professional tasks.
● Chapter-opening Case Studies with discussion questions foster the critical thinking skills essential to real-world application.
● Important Factors to Consider boxes throughout chapters reinforce critical chapter points.
Drawing on author Dan Benardot's extensive experience as an instructor, scientist, this engaging, authoritative text delivers an evidence-based yet accessible exploration of how nutrition impacts various aspects of active populations, from general health to muscle development, exercise recovery, injury prevention, and psychological well-being. Real-world examples and case studies bring difficult concepts to life, equipping you with the knowledge and confidence to support the nutritional needs of active populations throughout your healthcare career.
● NEW! Comparative Case Studies at the end of each chapter challenge students to apply what they’ve learned to varying active populations from endurance athletes to power-training athletes to team sports participants.
● Practical Application Activity boxes provide engaging practice assessing diets, analyzing energy balances, and other professional tasks.
● Chapter-opening Case Studies with discussion questions foster the critical thinking skills essential to real-world application.
● Important Factors to Consider boxes throughout chapters reinforce critical chapter points.
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1.56 s.