Медицинское обследование 11 книг

Все книги по "Медицинское обследование"

Lung Cancer Screening
изд. 2023

Kane Lung Cancer Screening

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book is a comprehensive guide to lung cancer screening for clinicians, healthcare systems, community leaders, and public health officials with the hope of creating a more equitable landscape in both lung cancer screening and lung cancer-related outcomes, at local, state, and national levels. Au...
18 167 ₽
New frontiers of cardiovascular screening using unobtrusive sensors, ai, and iot
изд. 2022

Choudhury, Anirban Dutta (senior Scientist, Research And Innovation, Tata Consultancy Services, Kolkata, India) Banerjee, Rohan (scientist, Research A New frontiers of cardiovascular screening using unobtrusive sensors, ai, and iot

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
The home of trusted Mandarin dictionaries for everyday language learning. An easy-reference Chinese to English and English to Chinese dictionary. The easiest way to learn Mandarin Chinese for students with the clearest layout and entry structure. Each Chinese word and translation has a Pinyin ...
14 692 ₽
Assessment of Cancer Screening
изд. 2022

Marcus Assessment of Cancer Screening

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
Cancer screening is a prominent strategy in cancer control in the United States, yet the ability to correctly interpret cancer screening data eludes many researchers, clinicians, and policy makers.
5 589 ₽
Cancer Screening in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
изд. 2019

Feuerstein Cancer Screening in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This book provides a concise, yet comprehensive overview of cancer risks in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), as well as the screening modalities used to reduce these risks.
6 986 ₽
Advances in Diabetes Research and Management
изд. 2023

Noor Advances in Diabetes Research and Management

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book discusses the latest research in the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and screening of diabetes and its management. It reviews novel technologies for early diagnosis and highlights the molecular mechanisms of microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes 2 mellitus. The book covers ...
27 950 ₽
The age of scientific wellness :
изд. 2023

Hood, Leroy E., / Лерой И. Худ The age of scientific wellness :

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
Biotechnologist Leroy Hood and longevity researcher Nathan Price journey to the future of health. Medicine today is a hit-or-miss affair that tackles symptoms long after disease sets in. Hood and Price explore the emerging technologies that will focus health care on extending wellness, making it per...
4 269 ₽
Toxic Safety: Flame Retardants, Chemical Controversies, and Environmental Health
изд. 2016

Cordner Alissa Toxic Safety: Flame Retardants, Chemical Controversies, and Environmental Health

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
Marketed as a life-saving advancement, flame retardants are now mired in controversy. Alissa Cordner describes how stakeholders use scientific evidence to support nonscientific goals. Toxic Safety demonstrates that while all parties interested in health issues use science to support their claims, th...
8 712 ₽
Health for all Children
изд. 2019

Emond Alan Health for all Children

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
The new edition of Health for all Children, the leading authority in the field, has been fully revised and updated to incorporate the key updates and developments on how the health of children can best be protected and promoted, making it essential reading for anyone involved in the care and welfare...
6 493 ₽
Toxic Safety: Flame Retardants, Chemical Controversies, and Environmental Health
изд. 2019

Cordner Alissa Toxic Safety: Flame Retardants, Chemical Controversies, and Environmental Health

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Marketed as a life-saving advancement, flame retardants are now mired in controversy. Alissa Cordner describes how stakeholders use scientific evidence to support nonscientific goals. Toxic Safety demonstrates that while all parties interested in health issues use science to support their claims, th...
3 485 ₽
Screening evidence & practice 2e paperba
изд. 2019

Raffle, Angela E. (consultant In Public Health, The Nhs Screening Programmes, And Honorary Senior Lecturer, University Of Bristol Medical School: Popu Screening evidence & practice 2e paperba

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
A comprehensive, practical, and accessible guide to screening programmes, for public health practitioners and anyone else involved in or with an interest in screening. It covers the concepts and evidence behind screening, how to make sound policy on screening, and how to plan and deliver high qualit...
6 334 ₽
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