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Теория и исследования ухода за больными 64 книги
Все книги по "Теория и исследования ухода за больными"
изд. 2024
CHERYL TATANO, Denise F. Polit, JANE M. FLANAGAN Polit & Beck's Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice
- изд. 2024
From learning how to perform research to mastering the critical appraisal of research reports for use in practice, Polit & Beck’s Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice, 12th Edition, emphasizes the critical role of research in today’s changing healthcare field ...
11 839 ₽
изд. 2020
Kyngas, Helvi , Kristina Mikkonen, Maria Kaarainen The Application of Content Analysis in Nursing Science Research
- изд. 2020
This book provides principles on content analysis and its application into development of nursing theory. The first part presents the philosophical position of content analysis, inductive and deductive methods of using content analysis, trustworthiness of the method, and ethical consideration of usi...
8 384 ₽
изд. 2021
Fagerstrцm Lisbeth Maria A Caring Advanced Practice Nursing Model: Theoretical Perspectives and Competency Domains
- изд. 2021
7 685 ₽
изд. 2023
Advanced practice in mental health nursing
- изд. 2023
This textbook explores issues central to the provision of recovery-orientated care based on ethical principles and human rights perspectives. Written by academics and nurse practitioners, this comprehensive text draws together theory, research and practice to map the landscape of Advanced Practice i...
7 965 ₽
изд. 2023
Kinnunen, Taina Parviainen, Jaana Haho, Annu Skills and ethics of professional touch
- изд. 2023
This book introduces readers to the ethical and goal-oriented functions of touch in professional practice. Touch is both an increasingly visible topic today and a core skill in many professions, especially in health, education and social work. This book combines helpful theoretical discussions and p...
6 288 ₽
изд. 2021
Lobiondo-wood, Geri (professor, Director Of Phd Nursing Program, University Of Texas Health Sciences Center, School Of Nursing, Nursing Systems And Te Study guide for nursing research: methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice
- изд. 2021
From Glenys Nellist, the bestselling author of the Snuggle Time and Love Letters from God series as well as the holiday favorite `Twas the Evening of Christmas, comes Baptized in the Water, a charming celebration of baptism that helps children understand the spiritual importance of being baptized an...
5 388 ₽
изд. 2022
How can we use simulation to improve competencies in nursing'
- изд. 2022
This open access book offers an overview of theories related to simulation and describes different simulation areas within nursing.
5 589 ₽
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