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Медицинская генетика 514 книг
Elsevier India Elsevier Science Eurospan John Wiley & Sons Limited Jones and Bartlett Publishers Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Macmillan Learning McGraw-Hill Oxford Academ Springer Taylor&Francis-publisher Thieme Verlagsgruppe World Health Organization World Scientific Publishing (UK) Limited Логосфера
Книги Логосферы
изд. 2015
Браунвальд Е. Комплект Болезни сердца по Браунвальду Т 1+2+3+4 : руководство по кардиоваскулярной медицине.
- изд. 2015
Данное издание - всемирно известное руководство Е. Браунвальда Болезни сердца . В нем подробно рассматриваются изменения эпидемиологической ситуации в мире, обсуждаются причины этих перемен, значение отдельных факторов, дается прогноз на перспективу. Немалый интерес вызовут главы о роли молекулярно...
7 990 ₽
Все книги по "Медицинская генетика"
изд. 2015
Браунвальд Е. Комплект Болезни сердца по Браунвальду Т 1+2+3+4 : руководство по кардиоваскулярной медицине.
- изд. 2015
Данное издание - всемирно известное руководство Е. Браунвальда Болезни сердца . В нем подробно рассматриваются изменения эпидемиологической ситуации в мире, обсуждаются причины этих перемен, значение отдельных факторов, дается прогноз на перспективу. Немалый интерес вызовут главы о роли молекулярно...
7 990 ₽
изд. 2015
Robert L. Nussbaum, Roderick R. McInnes Thompson & Thompson Genetics in Medicine
- изд. 2015
Updated to reflect the newest changes in genetics, Thompson & Thompson's Genetics in Medicine returns as one of the most favored texts in this fascinating and rapidly evolving field. By integrating the classic principles of human genetics with modern molecular genetics, this medical reference book...
7810 ₽
5 467 ₽
изд. 2012
Leon Rosenberg Human Genes and Genomes,
- изд. 2012
Presents the study of genes and genomics that explores all aspects of the life with relevance in the lab, in the doctor`s office, in the courtroom and even in social relationships. This book communicates the importance of genes and genomics studies in all aspects of life.
11620 ₽
8 134 ₽
изд. 2016
Johannes Backs, Timothy McKinsey Epigenetics in Cardiac Disease
- изд. 2016
This book describes important advances in our understanding of how environmental conditions affect cardiac gene expression through epigenetic mechanisms. Further, it discusses the roles of chromatin modifications (in particular DNA methylation and histone modifications) and of chromatin regulators i...
20962 ₽
14 673 ₽
изд. 2017
Hubert F. Baars, Pieter A. F. M. Doevendans, Arjan Clinical Cardiogenetics
- изд. 2017
Clinical management and signs are the focus of this practical cardiogenetic reference for those who are involved in the care for cardiac patients with a genetic disease. With detailed discussion of the basic science of cardiogenetics in order to assist in the clinical understanding of the topic. The...
19564 ₽
13 695 ₽
изд. 2019
Giovanni Cavagna Fundamentals of Human Physiology
- изд. 2019
This textbook explores the fundamental qualitative and quantitative aspects of human physiology. It approaches biological and physiological processes and phenomena from a quantitative perspective, revealing how physiological problems can be mathematically formulated starting from simple laws of phys...
8257 ₽
5 780 ₽
изд. 2020
Zeynep Gromley, Adam Gromley Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, and Genetics: An Integrated Textbook
- изд. 2020
Integrates biochemical, molecular, and cellular health and disease processes into one essential text!
Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, and Genetics: An Integrated Textbook by Zeynep Gromley and Adam Gromley is the first to cover molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry (metabolism), and...
14037 ₽
9 826 ₽
изд. 2023
Nalini Chandar, Susan M. Viselli / Налини Чандар Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Cell and Molecular Biology, 3 IE
- изд. 2023
Up to date, easy to use, and rich with vibrant illustrations, Lippincott® Illustrated Reviews: Cell and Molecular Biology, 3rd Edition, provides a highly visual presentation of essential cell and molecular biology with a focus on topics related to human health and disease. This engaging approach incorporates...
7 369 ₽
изд. 2017
Gangane Human Genetics, 5e
- изд. 2017
The present edition is updated according to the syllabus for undergraduates, recommended by the Medical Council of India. This examination-friendly-book written in simple to-the-point is also useful for postgraduates, immunologists and geneticists. Salient Features Revision in chapters on molecular ...
4206 ₽
975 ₽
изд. 2019
Zwitter, Matjaz Medical Ethics in Clinical Practice, 1st ed Springer, ГЕРМАНИЯ, 2019
- изд. 2019
This book discusses medicine from an ethical perspective, whereas books on medical ethics more commonly present ethics from a bio-medical standpoint. The book is divided into 23 chapters.
10 163 ₽
изд. 2021
Peter D Turnpenny, Sian Ellard, Ruth Cleaver Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics and Genomics, 16e
- изд. 2021
Long recognized as a leading textbook in this fast-moving field, Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics and Genomics offers current, complete information with a strong basis in practical clinical genetics and genomics for medical school and beyond. The 16th Edition of this award-winning text has ...
7 241 ₽
изд. 2023
Galli Regulatory Aspects of Gene Therapy and Cell Therapy Products
- изд. 2023
This book discusses the different regulatory pathways for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products implemented by national agencies in North and South America, Europe and Asia and by international bodies in the effort of international harmonization. This book represents an update of the first edition, as...
22 359 ₽
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