Лечение нарушений сна 53 книги

Все книги по "Лечение нарушений сна"

Practical guide for clinical neurophysiologic testing: ep, ltm/cceeg, iom, psg, and ncs/emg
изд. 2022

Yamada Thoru, Meng Elizabeth / Тору Ямада Practical guide for clinical neurophysiologic testing: ep, ltm/cceeg, iom, psg, and ncs/emg

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
Focusing on the technical aspects of clinical neurophysiologic testing, Practical Guide for Clinical Neurophysiologic Testing: EP, LTM/ccEEG, IOM, PSG, and NCS/EMG 2nd Edition, offers comprehensive guidance on neurophysiologic testing that picks up where the companion Practical Guide for Clinical Neurophysiologic...
19219 ₽   17 297 ₽
Clinical Handbook of Behavioral Sleep Treatment in Children on the Autism Spectrum
изд. 2023

McLay Clinical Handbook of Behavioral Sleep Treatment in Children on the Autism Spectrum

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This handbook provides an overview of the nature, prevalence, and causes of sleep problems in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and examines the process of using functional behavior assessment (FBA) to treat sleep disorders. It describes several evidence-based treatments and explores how ...
30 606 ₽
Dental Sleep Medicine
изд. 2023

Demerjian Dental Sleep Medicine

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book is designed to enable dentists to understand various aspects of dental sleep medicine, and to recognize the signs and symptoms of sleep disorders in their patients. It discusses potential negative impact of a sleep disorder on oral and systemic health, and shows how to collaborate with oth...
13 974 ₽
The Holistic Treatment of Sleep Disorders
изд. 2024

Marx-Dick The Holistic Treatment of Sleep Disorders

  • ENG
  • изд. 2024
The book conveys a complete holistic therapy concept for the treatment of sleep disorders. Starting from the knowledge transfer on the functions of sleep and evident consequences of sleep disorders, Carolin Marx-Dick describes the multimodal treatment according to the concept of mind-body medicine w...
13 974 ₽
Sleep Apnea Frontiers
изд. 2024

BaHammam Sleep Apnea Frontiers

  • ENG
  • изд. 2024
30 745 ₽
Нет фото
изд. 2024

Grandner,Michael A. Sleep And Sport

  • ENG
  • изд. 2024
19 752 ₽
Polysomnography For The Sleep Technologist
изд. 2019

Robertson, Bonnie Polysomnography For The Sleep Technologist

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Written by experienced polysomnography educators, this book covers electronics, instrumentation, recording parameters, data acquisition, ancillary equipment, troubleshooting, recording quality, infection control, basic positive pressure therapy, and cardiopulmonary monitoring and intervention essent...
13 167 ₽
Patient`s guide to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
изд. 2023

Shetty, Arnav Baptista Jardin, Peter M Patient`s guide to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

  • изд. 2023
This book provides a comprehensive overview of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) that is accessible to patients. OSA can have a significant and progressive impact on the lives of those who suffer from daytime sleepiness, but it is often not considered. Moreover, individuals with the condition are often ...
4 191 ₽
Principles and practice of sleep medicine - 2 volume set
изд. 2022

Kryger, Meir H. (professor, Pulmonary, Critical Care, And Sleep Medicine, Yale School Of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut) Principles and practice of sleep medicine - 2 volume set

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
Etienne Balibar explores the tensions between cosmopolitanism and secularism in order to advance a truly democratic and emancipatory cosmopolitanism, which requires a secularization of secularism. Going beyond circumscribed notions of religion and the public sphere, Secularism and Cosmopolitanism is...
31 388 ₽
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