Паллиативная медицина 81 книга

Все книги по "Паллиативная медицина"

Oxford Handbook of Oncology.4 ed
изд. 2015

Jim Cassidy et al / Джим Кэссиди Oxford Handbook of Oncology.4 ed

  • ENG
  • изд. 2015
This practical guide to clinical consultation in oncology has been extensively revised and updated. It reflects recent advances in oncology with particular emphasis on new therapies and the emergence of immunotherapy as a real modality.
6 018 ₽
Medical Ethics in Clinical Practice, 1st ed Springer, ГЕРМАНИЯ, 2019
изд. 2019

Zwitter, Matjaz Medical Ethics in Clinical Practice, 1st ed Springer, ГЕРМАНИЯ, 2019

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This book discusses medicine from an ethical perspective, whereas books on medical ethics more commonly present ethics from a bio-medical standpoint. The book is divided into 23 chapters.
10 163 ₽
Paediatric Intensive Care
изд. 2017

Peter Barry, Kevin Morris, Tariq Ali Paediatric Intensive Care

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Paediatric Intensive Care gives practical and realistic advice for all those who care for critically ill children. Organised predominantly by system or speciality for easy reference, it also comprehensively covers the underlying principles that guide clinicians in every day practice.
9 821 ₽
Heart Failure
изд. 2014

Roy S. Gardner, Theresa A. Heart Failure

  • ENG
  • изд. 2014
Heart failure is a common and potentially lethal condition. It is the only cardiovascular disease that is increasing in both incidence and prevalence and is extremely expensive to the healthcare system. This updated book is a practical and comprehensive manual aimed at professionals caring for patie...
9 029 ₽
Applying the therapeutic function of professional supervision :
изд. 2023

Weld, Nicki, / Ники Уэлд Applying the therapeutic function of professional supervision :

  • изд. 2023
This book brings a fresh approach and conversation to the practice of professional supervision for human services by specifically articulating its often performed, but unnamed and under-explored therapeutic function. The discussion of the therapeutic function is timely given the rising complexities ...
4 355 ₽
Palliative Care in Nephrology
изд. 2020

Moss Alvin H., Lupu Dale E., Armistead Nancy C. / Элвин Х. Мосс Palliative Care in Nephrology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Palliative care has become increasingly important across the spectrum of healthcare, and with it, the need for education and training of a broad range of medical practitioners not previously associated with this field of care. As part of the Integrating Palliative Care series, this volume on palliative...
18 614 ₽
End of Life and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability
изд. 2023

Stancliffe End of Life and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book on end of life examines how to include people with intellectual and developmental disability in the inevitability of dying and death. Comprising 17 chapters, it addresses challenging and under-researched topics including suicide, do-not-resuscitate, advance care planning, death doulas and ...
20 962 ₽
Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilation in Critical Care, Anesthesiology and Palliative Care
изд. 2023

Servillo Non-invasive Mechanical Ventilation in Critical Care, Anesthesiology and Palliative Care

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book provides an easy, modern and practical way for physicians to approach the world of noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV). Noninvasive ventilation is well-established and increasingly used in routine clinical practice. However, some concepts and techniques of NIMV may be difficult to gr...
19 564 ₽
Palliative Care in Hematologic Malignancies and Serious Blood Disorders
изд. 2023

Ullrich Palliative Care in Hematologic Malignancies and Serious Blood Disorders

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book provides a comprehensive, state-of-the-art overview on palliative care for patients with hematologic malignancies and other serious blood disorders. The text reviews the unique needs of this patient population, management strategies for hematologists/oncologists and palliative care clinici...
20 962 ₽
Beyond Evidence-Based Medicine
изд. 2023

Junckerstorff Beyond Evidence-Based Medicine

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This textbook assembles the wealth of clinical experiences across multiple medical specialties and offers clinical pearls that will result in better patient care and are highly relevant to daily practice. This book has been compiled by many renowned clinicians, medical educators, and researchers who...
20 962 ₽
Perinatal Bereavement Rituals and Practices Among U. S. Cultural Groups
изд. 2024

Denney-Koelsch Perinatal Bereavement Rituals and Practices Among U. S. Cultural Groups

  • ENG
  • изд. 2024
Death rituals are a universal feature of every human culture across the world. Every human must eventually face the stark reality of death, and many cultures and religions have sought to make sense of death and bring solace to the people through bereavement rituals. Infant death has been commonplace...
15 372 ₽
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