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Генная терапия 13 книг
Все книги по "Генная терапия"

изд. 2022
Tian Gene Delivery
- изд. 2022
Gene therapy has been regarded as a great potential for specific treatment of gene-related human diseases, such as cancer, genetic and epidemic diseases. Gene therapy refers to the biomedical technology that inserts normal or therapeutic exogenous genes into target cells to repair or replace defecti...
61 224 ₽

изд. 2021
Cioffi Christopher L. Drug Delivery Challenges and Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Retinal Diseases
- изд. 2021
An Overview of Retinal Diseases and Current Ocular Drug Discovery.- Ocular Pharmacokinetics and Drug Delivery Challenges.- Models of Pathologies Associated with Age-related Macular Degeneration and Their Utilities in Drug Discovery.- Recent Developments in Agents for the Treatment of Age-Related Macular...
45 918 ₽

изд. 2023
Yun Biotechnologies for Gene Therapy
- изд. 2023
The purpose of this book is to highlight some of latest developments and applications of CRISPR, RNA, and DNA to treat diseases ranging from cancers to cardiovascular and degenerative disorders. It also features innovations of the delivery methods for nucleic acids ranging from nanodevices made from...
24 489 ₽

изд. 2021
Nуbrega Clйvio, Mendonзa Liliana, Matos Carlos A. A Handbook of Gene and Cell Therapy
- изд. 2021
This is a reference handbook for young researchers exploring gene and cell therapy. Gene therapy could be defined as a set of strategies modifying gene expression or correcting mutant/defective genes through the administration of DNA (or RNA) to cells, in order to treat disease.
17 601 ₽

изд. 2020
Nуbrega Clйvio, Mendonзa Liliana, Matos Carlos A. A Handbook of Gene and Cell Therapy
- изд. 2020
This is a reference handbook for young researchers exploring gene and cell therapy. Gene therapy could be defined as a set of strategies modifying gene expression or correcting mutant/defective genes through the administration of DNA (or RNA) to cells, in order to treat disease.
22 958 ₽

изд. 2020
Cioffi Christopher L. Drug Delivery Challenges and Novel Therapeutic Approaches for Retinal Diseases
- изд. 2020
This book reviews the current state of ocular drug therapy and future therapeutic opportunities for a wide variety of conditions, including Age-related Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy and Macular Edema, Glaucoma, and Inherited Retinal Diseases. Retinal diseases are major contributors to m...
45 918 ₽

изд. 2020
Shulin Li; Lingqian Chang; Justin Teissie Electroporation Protocols
- изд. 2020
This third edition provides in-depth knowledge on the delivery of naked DNA and small-interfering RNA (siRNA) to the targeted microorganism, mammalian single cells, tissues, and animals for prevention and treatment of disease. It builds on the success of the first edition and on the progress made in...
33 673 ₽

изд. 2019
Fredric P. Manfredsson; Matthew J. Benskey Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy
- изд. 2019
This volume discusses protocols, ranging from vector production to delivery methods, used to execute gene therapy applications. Chapters are divided into four parts, and cover topics such as design, construction, and application of transcription activation-like effectors; multi-modal production of adeno-associated...
33 673 ₽

изд. 2019
Giulio Mondini; Enrico Fattinnanzi; Alessandra Opp Integrated Evaluation for the Management of Contemporary Cities
- изд. 2019
This book highlights a selection of the best papers presented at the 2016 SIEV conference “The Laudato s' Encyclical Letter and Valuation. Cities between Conflict and Solidarity, Decay and Regeneration, Exclusion and Participation”, which was held in Rome, Italy, in April 2016, and brought toge...
30 611 ₽

изд. 2019
Atlas of inherited retinal diseases
- изд. 2019
This Atlas of Inherited Retinal Disorders provides a thorough overview of various inherited retinal dystrophies with emphasis on phenotype characteristics and how they relate to the most frequently encountered genes. It also meets the previously unmet needs of PhD students who will benefit from seei...
30 745 ₽

изд. 2018
Gardner, R.j. Mckinlay (adjunct Professor, Clinica Gardner and Sutherland`s chromosome abnormalities and genetic counseling
- изд. 2018
Even as classic cytogenetics has given way to molecular karyotyping, and as new deletion and duplication syndromes are identified almost every day, the fundamental role of the genetics clinic remains mostly unchanged. Genetic counselors and medical geneticists explain the unexplainable,
helping families...
helping families...
17 028 ₽
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