Интраоперационное ведение больного 14 книг

Все книги по "Интраоперационное ведение больного"

The Principles of Successful Awake Craniotomy
изд. 2023

Pour-Rashidi The Principles of Successful Awake Craniotomy

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book covers all aspects of awake craniotomy, including preoperative management, intraoperative handling, and postoperative follow-ups. It will be discussed preoperative preparedness, essential neurocognitive assessments, and how to provide a patient for cooperative operation step by step. Intra...
19 564 ₽
Decision making in perioperative medicine: clinical pearls
изд. 2021

Cohn, Steven Decision making in perioperative medicine: clinical pearls

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021

Minimize risk for every surgery-bound patient with this concise, high-yield clinical reference

The accuracy and readability of this [book] is excellent... the writing style is appropriate, informative, and suitable for the primary care clinician. The topics are well researched [and] the clinical recommendations...

8 921 ₽
Neurologic Outcomes of Surgery and Anesthesia
изд. 2013

George A. Mashour and Michael S. Avidan Neurologic Outcomes of Surgery and Anesthesia

  • ENG
  • изд. 2013
Neurologic Outcomes of Surgery and Anesthesia reviews adverse perioperative outcomes involving the brain, spine, and peripheral nerves.
26 796 ₽
Perioperative care of the elderly patient
изд. 2017

Perioperative care of the elderly patient

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
The elderly population is a major user of healthcare and surgery in particular. This book is for all healthcare providers who need to know how the older patient may be challenged during the perioperative period when undergoing anesthesia and surgery, for procedures ranging from routine cataracts to ...
16 875 ₽
Crqs in anaesthesia
изд. 2019

Vasu, Dr. Thanthullu, Mbbs Md Dnb Frca Ffpmrca Kodivalasa, Dr. Mahesh, Mbbs Md Frca Ffpmrca Ingle, Dr. Pradeep Mukund, Mbbs Md Dip Ahson, Dr. Mehar, M Crqs in anaesthesia

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
The Royal College of Anaesthetists has introduced Constructed Response Questions (CRQs) as an innovative way of testing trainees, in the fields of anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, in their final FRCA examinations from September 2019. CRQs are a more structured way of assessing knowledge and ...
7 508 ₽
Perioperative critical care
изд. 2020

Kulkarni, Atul P Divatia, Jv Solanki, Sohan Lal Perioperative critical care

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This textbook is a complete guide to the anaesthetic and critical care management of patients undergoing complex surgeries in all organ systems of the body. Topics cover all age groups - neonates, children, and adults. Compiling 700 pages, the comprehensive text is further enhanced by clinical photo...
7 649 ₽
Head & Neck Endocrine Surgery: A Comprehensive Textbook, Surgical, and Video Atlas
изд. 2021

David Goldenberg / Дэвид Голденберг Head & Neck Endocrine Surgery: A Comprehensive Textbook, Surgical, and Video Atlas

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021

The quintessential reference on surgical and medical management of thyroid and parathyroid

Head & Neck Endocrine Surgery: A Comprehensive Textbook, Surgical, and Video Atlas by renowned head and neck surgical oncologist David Goldenberg, with chapters by esteemed contributors from various fields,...

37 986 ₽
Atlas of Pediatric Head and Neck and Skull Base Surgery
изд. 2020

Ari DeRowe, Dan M. Fliss Atlas of Pediatric Head and Neck and Skull Base Surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
A state-of-the-art resource on head, neck, and skull base surgical procedures in childrenPediatric otolaryngology is a rapidly expanding field with remarkable technological advances that have improved the quality of life for young patients. Many highly complex pediatric head and neck procedures are ...
28 076 ₽
Rapid Perioperative Care
изд. 2016

Wicker Paul Rapid Perioperative Care

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
Rapid Perioperative Care is an essential text for students and practitioners requiring up-to-date fundamental information on the perioperative environment.
4 586 ₽
Perioperative Practice
изд. 2016

Abbott Hannah Perioperative Practice

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
Clinical case book on peri-operative practice for ODPs and Nurses.
5 146 ₽
Perioperative medicine consult handbook
изд. 2019

Molly Blackley Jackson, Ronald Huang, Elizabeth Kaplan, Somnath Mookherjee Perioperative medicine consult handbook

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This comprehensive third edition provides robust support to clinicians providing perioperative care for patients.
7 685 ₽
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