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CBS PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS Cambridge University Press Academ Elsevier India Elsevier Science Eurospan JayPee Brothers JayPee Brothers India John Wiley & Sons Limited Lippincott Williams & Wilkins McGraw-Hill Oxford Academ Springer Taylor&Francis-publisher Thieme Verlagsgruppe World Health Organization
Все книги по "Дерматология"

Andrew Baldwin. / Эндрю Болдуин Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties
- изд. 2020

Elder D. E., Massi D., Scolyer R. WHO Classification of Skin Tumours. 4 ed.
- изд. 2018

Sardana K. / Сардана Textbook Of Dermatology And Sexually Transmitted Diseases With Hiv Infections
- изд. 2019

Servat J. Javier, Black Evan H., Nesi Frank A. Smith and Nesi's Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- изд. 2020

Weissenbacher Immunology of the Female Genital Tract
- изд. 2012

Lodеn Treatment of Dry Skin Syndrome
- изд. 2012

Leonard C. Sperling An Atlas of Hair Pathology with Clinical Correlations, 2 Ed.
- изд. 2012

Tosti Management of Complications of Cosmetic Procedures
- изд. 2012

Eichenfield Lawrence Neonatal and Infant Dermatology
- изд. 2014
2015 BMA Medical Book Awards Highly Commended in Paediatrics Category! Neonatal and Infant Dermatology is a unique comprehensive and heavily illustrated reference on the dermatologic diseases of newborns and infants. It includes discussions of common and uncommon conditions seen in infants at birth ...

Shear Litt's Drug Eruption & Reaction Manual 25E
- изд. 2019

William D. James, Dirk Elston, Patrick J. McMahon Andrews' Diseases of the Skin Clinical Atlas
- изд. 2017
Designed as both a superior standalone atlas and a pictorial companion to the 12th edition of Andrews' Disease of the Skin, Andrews' Diseases of the Skin Clinical Atlas provides a remarkable collection of 3,000 high-quality images, resulting in the ultimate visual catalogue for those who see...

Marks James G. / Джеймс Г. Маркс Lookingbill and Marks' Principles of Dermatology. 6 ed.
- изд. 2018
Intuitively organized by appearance rather than etiology, Lookingbill and Marks' Principles of Dermatology, 6th Edition, by Drs. James G. Marks, Jr. and Jeffrey J. Miller, is a concise, abundantly illustrated everyday reference for dermatologic diagnosis and therapy. It offers expert guidance and...
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