Медицина: общие вопросы 6648 книг

Все книги по "Медицина: общие вопросы"

Essentials of Public Health, Third Edition/ Turnock, Bernard J. Jones & Bartlett, 2016 9781284069358
изд. 2016

Turnock, Bernard J. Essentials of Public Health, Third Edition/ Turnock, Bernard J. Jones & Bartlett, 2016 9781284069358

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
As one of the foundational texts in the Essential Public Health series, Essentials of Public Health is an excellent introduction to the field of public health.

Written for senior-level undergraduates or graduate students in public health, health science, nursing, and other health professions, Essentials...

11191 ₽   7 834 ₽
Gunner Goggles Family Medicine, 1 ed.
изд. 2018

Wu Hao-Hua, Wang Leo Gunner Goggles Family Medicine, 1 ed.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
The Gunner Goggles Series is the first exam prep resource written by a high-scoring peer group of medical students, ensuring the most practical and efficient study guidance. It organizes topics around the USMLE and NBME content outlines for the required shelf exams and features state-of-the-art Augm...
4898 ₽   3 429 ₽
Jekel's Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive Medicine, and Public Health. - 5 ed. - Elsevier Science, 2020. - 432 p. - ISBN 9780323642019.
изд. 2020

Elmore Joann G. / Elmore Joann G. Джоанн Элмор Jekel's Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive Medicine, and Public Health. - 5 ed. - Elsevier Science, 2020. - 432 p. - ISBN 9780323642019.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Written by renowned epidemiologists and public health experts, this unique text provides complete, concise coverage of epidemiology, biostatistics, preventive medicine, and public health in clear, easy-to-understand terms. One convenient volume delivers must-know content in four complex areas-information...
7348 ₽   5 878 ₽
A History of Medicine, 3 ed
изд. 2017

Magner Lois N. A History of Medicine, 3 ed

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Designed for survey courses in the field A History of Medicine presents a wide-ranging overview for those seeking a solid grounding in the medical history of Western and non-Western cultures. Stressing major themes in the history of medicine, this third edition continues to stimulate further explora...
7113 ₽   6 402 ₽
WHO Classification of Tumours: Soft Tissue and Bone Tumour. 5 Ed.
изд. 2020

WHO Classification of Tumours: Soft Tissue and Bone Tumour. 5 Ed.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Soft Tissue and Bone Tumours is the third volume in the 5th edition ofthe WHO series on the classification of human tumors. This series (also knownas the WHO Blue Books) is regarded as the gold standard for the diagnosis oftumors and comprises a unique synthesis of histopathological diagnosis with d...
25864 ₽   23 278 ₽
Davidson's Self-assessment in Medicine, International Edition
изд. 2018

Wake D. Davidson's Self-assessment in Medicine, International Edition

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Davidson's Assessment in Medicine is a collection of 1250 best-of-five multiple choice questions, arranged to correspond with the chapters of the Twenty-third Edition of Davidson's Principles and Practice. The questions follow the style used in many international undergraduate and early postgraduate...

2142 ₽   1 499 ₽
WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. Revized 4 ed.
изд. 2017

Swerdlow S., Campo E., Harris N. L. WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. Revized 4 ed.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
****When not purchasing directly from the official sales agents of the WHO, especially at online bookshops, please note that there have been issues with counterfeited copies. Buy only from known sellers and if there are quality issues, please contact the seller for a refund.*****

WHO Classification of...
23277 ₽   16 294 ₽
Effective Psychotherapists: Clinical Skills That Improve Client Outcomes
изд. 2021

Miller William R., Moyers Theresa B. Effective Psychotherapists: Clinical Skills That Improve Client Outcomes

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
What is it that makes some therapists so much more effective than others, even when they are delivering the same evidence-based treatment' This instructive book identifies specific interpersonal skills and attitudes--often overlooked in clinical training--that facilitate better client outcomes ...
3563 ₽   2 494 ₽
Basic Medical Language with Flash Cards, 6 ed.
изд. 2018

LaFleur Brooks Danielle / LaFleur Brooks, Danielle Basic Medical Language with Flash Cards, 6 ed.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
The perfect text for a shorter medical terminology course, Basic Medical Language, 6th Edition provides the foundation you need to confidently communicate with other members of your health care team. This basic medical vocabulary text focuses on building word skills by explaining a carefully selected...
7654 ₽   5 358 ₽
The Making of Man-Midwifery
изд. 2020

Wilson Adrian / Эдриан Уилсон The Making of Man-Midwifery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Originally published 1995 The Making of Man-Midwifery explains the transformation in medical practice and remarkable shift in gender relations in the development and transmission of the new midwifery skills through the eighteenth century, the book addresses both technological and feminist arguments ...
4790 ₽   4 311 ₽
Nelson's Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy 2022. 28 ed.
изд. 2022

Bradley J. Nelson's Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy 2022. 28 ed.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
Completely updated and revised, the 28th edition of this best-selling reference provides instant access to the latest recommendations for treatment of infectious diseases in children. For each disease, the authors provide a commentary to help select the best of all antimicrobial choices.
7508 ₽   6 006 ₽
The Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need, Edition: 10
изд. 2022

Thaler Malcolm S. / Малькольм С. Тхалер The Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need, Edition: 10

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
For more than 30 years, health care providers have turned to The Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need for Dr. Malcolm S. Thaler's clear and concise guidance on EKG use in everyday practice.

Ideal for readers at all levels of experience, the tenth edition of this straightforward, highly visual resource...
7429 ₽   5 943 ₽
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