Профилактика и лечение профессиональных забол. 74 книги

Все книги по "Профилактика и лечение профессиональных забол."

Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Medicine
изд. 2014

Chapman Stephen, Robinson Grace, Stradling John Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Medicine

  • ENG
  • изд. 2014
Respiratory ailments are the most common reason for emergency admission to hospital, the most common reason to visit the GP, and cost the NHS more than any other disease area. This pocket-sized handbook allows instant access to a wealth of information needed in the day-to-day practice of respiratory...
5859 ₽   4 101 ₽
Achieving Sustainable Workplace Wellbeing
изд. 2023

Daniels Achieving Sustainable Workplace Wellbeing

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
In this groundbreaking interdisciplinary work, the authors focus on organizational analysis to understand workplace wellbeing, deviating from previous research that mostly looks at the individual worker or intervention. In addressing the question of why workplace health and wellbeing practices initi...
13 974 ₽
Productivity with Health, Safety, and Environment
изд. 2023

Singh Productivity with Health, Safety, and Environment

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This volume comprises select proceedings of the International Conference on Humanizing Work and Work Environment organized by the Indian Society of Ergonomics (HWWE2019). The book presents research findings on different areas of ergonomics for developing appropriate tools and work environment consid...
25 155 ₽
Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health V
изд. 2023

Arezes Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health V

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book gathers cutting-edge research and best practices relating to occupational risk and safety management, healthcare, and ergonomics. It covers strategies for different industries, such as construction, chemical and healthcare. It emphasizes challenges posed by automation, discusses solutions ...
34 937 ₽
Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health IV
изд. 2023

Arezes Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health IV

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book gathers cutting-edge research and best practices relating to occupational risk and safety management, healthcare and ergonomics. It covers strategies for different industries, such as construction, chemical and healthcare. It emphasises challenges posed by automation, discusses solutions o...
27 950 ₽
Ship Sanitation, Health and Hygiene
изд. 2024

Karkori Ship Sanitation, Health and Hygiene

  • ENG
  • изд. 2024
This book has been written to account for improvements in the regulatory regime for shipboard health, safety and welfare. It considers the various regulations and statutory requirements for sanitation, the provision of potable and non-drinkable water, food and provisions, disease and infectious tran...
5 589 ₽
Essential guide to healthcare professional wellness
изд. 2023

Essential guide to healthcare professional wellness

  • изд. 2023
Healthcare professionals throughout the world heed a calling that compels them to devote their lives to the treatment of their patients. While this work is generally rewarding, these professionals frequently fall victim to stressors and happiness barriers that impact their ability to function at wor...
3 492 ₽
Textbook of Occupational Medicine Practice: 5th Edition
изд. 2022

David Koh, Wee Hoe Gan Textbook of Occupational Medicine Practice: 5th Edition

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
Following the success of the fourth edition, which was highly commended in the primary health care category for the 2018 British Medical Association (BMA) Medical Book Awards, this fifth edition has been substantially revised and updated to reflect significant changes in health care practice and to ...
34 650 ₽
Assessment and communication of risk
изд. 2023

Liberda, Eric Sly, Timothy Assessment and communication of risk

  • изд. 2023
This is the long-awaited pocket text on risk assessment for students and professionals in all health and safety fields. Risk assessment and risk-based decision-making are essential skills in today’s health and safety fields, but a convenient pocket or desk reference has been needed with enough theor...
11 878 ₽
Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health III
изд. 2022

Arezes Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health III

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
This book gathers cutting-edge research and best practices relating to occupational risk and safety management, healthcare and ergonomics. It covers strategies for different types of industry, such as construction, food, chemical and healthcare. It gives a special emphasis on challenges posed by aut...
39 130 ₽
Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health IV
изд. 2022

Arezes Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health IV

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
This book gathers cutting-edge research and best practices relating to occupational risk and safety management, healthcare and ergonomics. It covers strategies for different industries, such as construction, chemical and healthcare. It emphasises challenges posed by automation, discusses solutions o...
27 950 ₽
Achieving sustainable workplace wellbeing
изд. 2022

Daniels, Kevin Tregaskis, Olga Nayani, Rachel Watson, David Achieving sustainable workplace wellbeing

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
Learning, adaptation and continuation explain successful implementation of workplace health and wellbeing practices, while Gestalting, fracturing and grafting explain how organizations resolve or negotiate conflict between health and wellbeing practices and existing organizational procedures, system...
13 974 ₽
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