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Нейрохирургия 352 книги
Все книги по "Нейрохирургия"
изд. 2018
Richard Ellenbogen, Laligam Sekhar, Neil Kitchen Principles of Neurological Surgery, 4 ed.
- изд. 2018
Perfect for anyone considering or training in this challenging specialty, Principles of Neurological Surgery, 4th Edition, by Drs. Richard G. Ellenbogen, Laligam N. Sekhar, and Neil Kitchen, provides a clear, superbly illustrated introduction to all aspects of neurosurgery-from general principles to...
32674 ₽
22 872 ₽
изд. 2013
Keith J. Ruskin Fundamentals of Neuroanesthesia A Physiologic Approach to Clinical Practice
- изд. 2013
Fundamentals of Neuroanesthesia is a comprehensive guide to neuroanesthesia which focuses neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, and neurosurgical procedures, and then offers practical approaches to the practice of neurosurgical anesthesia.
33264 ₽
23 285 ₽
изд. 2023
Albert L. Rhoton, Jr / Альберт Лорен Ротон-младший Rhoton Cranial Anatomy and Surgical Approaches
- изд. 2023
Cranial Anatomy and Surgical Approaches is the masterwork of the legendary neurosurgeon Albert L. Rhoton, Jr.—a distillation of 40 years of work to, in the author’s words, make the “delicate, fateful, and awesome” procedures of neurosurgery more “gentle, accurate, and safe.” This definitive text on ...
26 426 ₽
изд. 2023
Greenberg Mark S. / Марк С. Гринберг Handbook of Neurosurgery, 10 ed.
- изд. 2023
The fundamental, one-stop global resource for neurosurgical practice in updated 10th edition
Unlike traditional medical textbooks, the origins of the now legendary Handbook of Neurosurgery by Mark Greenberg took root in the late 1980’s in the notes the author kept while taking care of his patients, ...
19 818 ₽
изд. 2014
Manji Hadi Oxford Handbook of Neurology, 2 ed.
- изд. 2014
The Oxford Handbook of Neurology is a practical and concise guide for use on the ward and in clinical settings. It covers the entire breadth of neurology, including sections on neuroanatomy, neurosurgery, neuroradiology and neurophysiology. It also provides information on neurological assessment, ne...
6 018 ₽
изд. 2024
Neuroscience for neurosurgeons
- изд. 2024
With advances in medicine and medical innovation, the face of neurosurgery has changed dramatically. A new era of surgeons value the need to undertake research in everyday practice and actively participate in the clinic and laboratory in order to improve patient prognosis. Highlighting the principle...
10 294 ₽
изд. 2021
David Slottje, Jack I. Jallo Neuro ICU Procedure Atlas
- изд. 2021
Atlas provides insightful guidance on how to perform core procedures in the neuro ICUNeuro ICU Procedure Atlas by distinguished neurosurgeons Jack I. Jallo and David F. Slottje is a visually rich, step-by-step atlas describing technical aspects of common bedside procedures performed in patients with...
9 908 ₽
изд. 2008
Vertosick, Frank When the air hits your brain
- изд. 2008
The story of one man`s evolution from naive and ambitious young intern to world-class neurosurgeon.
2 229 ₽
изд. 2024
Lauren Harris, Patrick Grover / Лорен Харрис Acute Spontaneous Posterior Fossa Haemorrhage
- изд. 2024
Non-traumatic posterior fossa haemorrhage accounts for approximately 10% of all intracranial haematomas, and 1.5% of all strokes. In the posterior fossa, a small amount of mass effect can have dramatic effects, due to its small volume. This can be due to immediate transmission of pressure to the bra...
2 693 ₽
изд. 2023
Winston / Винстон Plastic Neurosurgery
- изд. 2023
This is the definitive text for the intersection of neurosurgery and plastic surgery, a crucial and undertreated subject. It is a comprehensive, stand-alone and topically organized book that provides a synthesis of information, experience and wisdom for practitioners of adult and pediatric neurosurg...
25 407 ₽
изд. 2022
Resch Klaus Dieter Maria / Клаус Дитер Мария Реш Key Concepts in Min - Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation
- изд. 2022
This book adds in chapter 1 and 2 the MIN-key techniques Laser and sealing, completing the 3 MIN-key techniques of the first volume. In chapter 3 the evolution of anatomy to a key-concept of MIN is described, presenting theory and reality of anatomical perspectives that can be used by the MIN-surgeo...
21 661 ₽
изд. 2021
Resch Klaus Dieter Maria / Клаус Дитер Мария Реш Key Concepts in Min - Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation: Volume 1: Basics
- изд. 2021
Theologies on the Move examines how the experiences of migration and pilgrimage that are created as a result of the pressures of neoliberal capitalism shape theological and religious traditions. Based on these insights, the contributors examine what difference religion can make in a world dominated ...
19 564 ₽
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