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Все книги по "Нейрохирургия"
Richard Ellenbogen, Laligam Sekhar, Neil Kitchen Principles of Neurological Surgery, 4 ed.
- изд. 2018
Perfect for anyone considering or training in this challenging specialty, Principles of Neurological Surgery, 4th Edition, by Drs. Richard G. Ellenbogen, Laligam N. Sekhar, and Neil Kitchen, provides a clear, superbly illustrated introduction to all aspects of neurosurgery-from general principles to...
Keith J. Ruskin Fundamentals of Neuroanesthesia A Physiologic Approach to Clinical Practice
- изд. 2013
Greenberg Mark S. / Марк С. Гринберг Handbook of Neurosurgery, 10 ed.
- изд. 2023
The fundamental, one-stop global resource for neurosurgical practice in updated 10th edition
Unlike traditional medical textbooks, the origins of the now legendary Handbook of Neurosurgery by Mark Greenberg took root in the late 1980's in the notes the author kept while taking care of his patients,...
Albert L. Rhoton, Jr / Альберт Лорен Ротон-младший Rhoton Cranial Anatomy and Surgical Approaches
- изд. 2023
Manji Hadi Oxford Handbook of Neurology, 2 ed.
- изд. 2014
David Slottje, Jack I. Jallo Neuro ICU Procedure Atlas
- изд. 2021
Vertosick, Frank When the air hits your brain
- изд. 2008
Neuroscience for neurosurgeons
- изд. 2024
Resch Klaus Dieter Maria / Клаус Дитер Мария Реш Key Concepts in Min - Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation
- изд. 2022
Resch Klaus Dieter Maria / Клаус Дитер Мария Реш Key Concepts in Min - Intracerebral Hemorrhage Evacuation: Volume 1: Basics
- изд. 2021
Jean G. de Oliveira, Luis Borba / Жан Г. де Оливейра, Луис Борба Microsurgical and Endoscopic Approaches to the Skull Base: Anatomy, Tactics, and Techniques
- изд. 2021
The one-stop guide to microsurgical and endoscopic treatment of skull base lesions from global experts
A deep knowledge of regional anatomy, improved understanding of pathologies and their behaviors, technological advances, and multidisciplinary collaboration have led to more effective treatments for...
Song Priscilla / Присцилла Сонг Biomedical Odysseys: Fetal Cell Experiments from Cyberspace to China
- изд. 2017
Thousands of people from more than eighty countries have traveled to China since 2001 to undergo fetal cell transplantation. Galvanized by the potential of stem and fetal cells to regenerate damaged neurons and restore lost bodily functions, people grappling with paralysis and neurodegenerative disorders...
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