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Нейрохирургия 352 книги
изд. 2023
Robert Anatomy of Cranial Arteries, Embryology and Variants
- изд. 2023
This book on the anatomy of central nervous system arteries concentrates on all anatomical variations of the central nervous system and it describes the embryological processes that hide behind the possible adult variants. The first section of the work is a reminder of general concepts of embryology...
22 359 ₽
изд. 2023
Alexiou Intraoperative Flow Cytometry
- изд. 2023
This book describes intraoperative flow cytometry in solid tumours. Intraoperative flow cytometry is an innovative technique for assessing tumour margins and grade of malignancy intraoperatively. The authors have been working on this procedure for more than 14 years and have introduced it in the sur...
13 974 ₽
изд. 2023
Pang Spinal Dysraphic Malformations
- изд. 2023
This book includes detailed discussions of the latest science in the embryogenesis of spinal dysraphic malformations, and a well-illustrated guide to their surgical repair. In addition to covering the actual malformations, and because, with the probable exception of prenatal closure of the open neur...
19 564 ₽
изд. 2023
Bonavolont' Cranio-Orbital Mass Lesions
- изд. 2023
This book fills a gap in the field of the cranio-orbital lesions, as it deals only with mass lesions involving both the intracranial and intra-orbital compartments. The surgical anatomy, diagnosis, surgical approaches and specified pathological mass lesions are described in detalis. The book include...
19 564 ₽
изд. 2023
Di Rocco Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery
- изд. 2023
This new multithematic book in the series Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery offers an update on several basic and clinical problems in neurosurgery. The main topics are cerebral tumors, epilepsy and vascular malformations. The first chapter will deal with the burden of childhood cance...
20 962 ₽
изд. 2023
Turgut The Corpus Callosum
- изд. 2023
This book provides an in-depth review of knowledge of the corpus callosum, called white matter or terra incognita, with emphasis on anatomical, embryological, diagnostics, and surgical features. It includes very informative chapters from leaders in the field, organized into six main groups: first, t...
20 962 ₽
изд. 2023
Al-Salihi Robotics in Skull-Base Surgery
- изд. 2023
This book is the first book in the field of robotics in skull-base surgery. It uncovers the pioneering realm of robotics in skull-base surgery through this remarkable compendium. With a comprehensive exploration from neurosurgical and otolaryngological perspectives, it delves into the diverse applic...
13 974 ₽
изд. 2023
Salih Cerebral Ventricles
- изд. 2023
This book uses the multiple-choice question (MCQ) format to specifically address the topic related to the cerebral ventricles. The mission of this book is to help readers revise the core concepts and maintain knowledge of the anatomy, pathology, and neurosurgery of the cerebral ventricles. This stud...
13 974 ₽
изд. 2023
Turgut Incidental Findings of the Nervous System
- изд. 2023
Written and edited by leading international authorities in the field, this book provides an in-depth review of knowledge of the incidental findings of the nervous system, with emphasis on asymptomatic brain and spinal lesions that have the potential to cause illness. It includes very informative cha...
19 564 ₽
изд. 2023
Kondziella Neurology at the Bedside
- изд. 2023
Neurologists, perhaps more so than any other physicians, take pride in their bedside skills. Good clinical mentorship is mandatory in order to develop such skills; however, due to an ever-increasing need for more efficient working structures, the time and dedication that mentorship requires may not ...
15 372 ₽
изд. 2023
Men'ndez Gonz'lez Liquorpheresis
- изд. 2023
This book provides an overview of emerging CSF management systems that filter or clear cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as a therapeutic approach for several CNS conditions. While the term liquorpheresis most accurately refers to extracorporeal procedures that filter CSF (similar to plasmapheresis), this b...
13 974 ₽
изд. 2023
Shah Functional Anatomy of the Brain: A View from the Surgeon’s Eye
- изд. 2023
This book essentially provides a refreshing description of the cortical and subcortical anatomy of the brain and how it relates to function. It includes subtleties of anatomy, advances in imaging, operative nuances, techniques, and a brief discussion about artificial intelligence. It discusses surgi...
23 757 ₽
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