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Наркология 93 книги
Все книги по "Наркология"

изд. 2020
Webb, Jon R. Understanding Forgiveness and Addiction
- изд. 2020
This book integrates and synthesizes numerous empirically supported positive psychological constructs and psychotherapeutic theories to help understand addiction and facilitate recovery through the lens of forgiveness.
6290 ₽
4 403 ₽

изд. 2017
Davis / Дейвис Addiction: Psychology and Treatment
- изд. 2017
Addiction: Psychology and Treatment brings together leading psychologists to provide a comprehensive overview of the psychology of addictions and their treatment across specialities and types of services.
6512 ₽
4 558 ₽

изд. 2021
Miller William R., Moyers Theresa B. Effective Psychotherapists: Clinical Skills That Improve Client Outcomes
- изд. 2021
What is it that makes some therapists so much more effective than others, even when they are delivering the same evidence-based treatment' This instructive book identifies specific interpersonal skills and attitudes--often overlooked in clinical training--that facilitate better client outcomes ...
4 289 ₽

изд. 2023
Eddie Capparucci, Nathan Jones / Эдди Каппаруччи Understanding Your Inner Child and Overcoming Addiction
- изд. 2023
3 931 ₽

изд. 2023
Allan House Social media and mental health
- изд. 2023
In an age when social media is a part of life, there has been much debate about whether it is a force for good or evil. Removing personal opinion from the discussion, this book focusses on research findings to deliver a sorely needed account of the relationship between social media and mental health...
5 146 ₽

изд. 2019
Parnell Laurel / Лорел Парнелл Rewiring the Addicted Brain with Emdr-Based Treatment
- изд. 2019
Attachment-focused EMDR and resource tapping applied to the clinical challenge of addictions recovery.
3 800 ₽

изд. 2024
Shannon Miller The ASAM Principles of Addiction Medicine
- изд. 2024
Principles of Addiction Medicine, 7th ed is a fully reimagined resource, integrating the latest advancements and research in addiction treatment. Prepared for physicians in internal medicine, psychiatry, and nearly every medical specialty, the 7th edition is the most comprehensive publication in addiction...
37 180 ₽

изд. 2022
Leela, Durga Yoga of recovery
- изд. 2022
October 1840. A young woman staggers alone through a forest in Shropshire as a huge pair of impossible wings rip themselves from her shoulders. Meanwhile, when rumours of a `fallen angel` cause a frenzy across London, a surgeon desperate for fame and fortune finds himself in the grips of a dangerous...
6 060 ₽

изд. 2022
Neuroscience of autism
- изд. 2022
Now the most wanted person in Sonande, her only hope of reclaiming what is rightfully hers lies in a divine power hidden in the long-lost city of her ancestors. Meanwhile, the resurrection of Karina`s sister has spiraled the world into chaos, with disaster after disaster threatening the hard-won pea...
20 984 ₽

изд. 2022
Digital therapeutics for mental health and addiction
- изд. 2022
145 miles of lush, ever-green walking in North East Wales: featuring fourteen routes within the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, embracing the Clwydian and Berwyn Hills and Llantysilio Mountain; three walks on the North Wales coast between Great Orme and Point of Ayr...
20 984 ₽
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