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Протезирование 4 книги
Все книги по "Протезирование"

изд. 2018
Khan, Umraz (chairman Of The Working Group And Bapras Lead, North Bristol Nhs Trust And The British Association Of Plastic Reconstructive And Aestheti Pathways in prosthetic joint infection
- изд. 2018
Pathways in Prosthetic Joint Infection is a concise summary of the current literature and an overview of assessment, management, and treatment options for those with, or at risk of, prosthetic joint infection. Endorsed by the Royal College of Surgeons, BAPRAS, the Vascular Society, and BASK, this is...
5 463 ₽

изд. 2019
Chui, Jorge et al. / Джордж Чуи Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation, 4rd Edition
- изд. 2019
Gain a strong foundation in the field of orthotics and prosthetics! Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation, 4th Edition is a clear, comprehensive, one-stop resource for clinically relevant rehabilitation information and application. Divided into three sections, this text gives you a foundation ...
15 923 ₽

изд. 2020
Jelacic, Zlata Active Above-Knee Prosthesis
- изд. 2020
Active Above-Knee Prosthesis: A Guide to a Smart Prosthetic Leg presents original research and development results, providing a firsthand overview of idea generation and prototype production. The book gives insights into the problem of stair ascent for people with above-knee amputation and offers a ...
22 809 ₽
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