Стоматология 593 книги

Все книги по "Стоматология"

Pharmacology for Dental Students 3e
изд. 2017

Shanbhag Pharmacology for Dental Students 3e

  • изд. 2017
Meets the requirement of the syllabus proposed by Dental Council of India (DCI) Includes drugs with dose, mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, adverse effects, drug interactions and therapeutic uses Supplementing text with the addition of some new topics like Pharmacovigilance and Drug Dosage forms...
6994 ₽   4 896 ₽
Pathology for Dental Students, 2e
изд. 2017

Khanna Pathology for Dental Students, 2e

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
'' This book has been primarily written for the second year students of BDS, though students of allied health and paramedical courses including nursing, occupational and physiotherapy may also benefit. '' It has been written in a concise and easily assimilable style to enable rapid...
9338 ₽   6 537 ₽
Orthodontic Therapy: Fundamental Treatment Concepts
изд. 2017

Wichelhaus, Andrea Orthodontic Therapy: Fundamental Treatment Concepts

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Where science and practice meet: the entire spectrum of orthodontics, in stunning color… Created in the tradition and style of Thieme’s renowned Dental Atlas series, and the product of many years of research and practical experience, Orthodontics: Therapy covers the basics of the diagnosis, prevent...
46126 ₽   32 288 ₽
Textbook of Prosthodontics, 2ed.
изд. 2017

Rangarajan Textbook of Prosthodontics, 2ed.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Textbook of Prosthodontics encompasses all the different subspecialities of prosthodontics like Complete Dentures (CD), Removable Partial Dentures (RPD), Fixed Partial Dentures (FPD), Oral Implantology (OI) and Maxillofacial Prosthetics (MFP) with an aim to demystify the subject. The book provides a...
13340 ₽   9 338 ₽
Master Dentistry,Volume 2: Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
изд. 2013

Heasman Peter / Питер Хисман Master Dentistry,Volume 2: Restorative Dentistry, Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics

  • ENG
  • изд. 2013
Suitable for undergraduate students, vocational trainees and those preparing for post-graduate examinations such as the MJDF in the UK and the ORE, this title addresses the restorative, paediatric and orthodontic aspects of dentistry. It contains lists that are used to set out frameworks and to help...
6455 ₽   4 519 ₽
Anatomy for Dental Medicine, Latin Nomenclature / Baker, Eric W. Baker, Eric W. ISBN 9781626232389.- Thieme Verlagsgruppe, 2016 г. ГЕРМАНИЯ
изд. 2016

Baker, Eric W. Baker, Eric W. Anatomy for Dental Medicine, Latin Nomenclature / Baker, Eric W. Baker, Eric W. ISBN 9781626232389.- Thieme Verlagsgruppe, 2016 г. ГЕРМАНИЯ

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016

Anatomy for Dental Medicine, Latin Nomenclature, combines award-winning, full-color illustrations, explanatory text, and summary tables to guide the reader through the complex anatomy of the head and neck as well as other body regions relevant to dental medicine. Each region is arranged in a user-friendly...

15374 ₽   10 762 ₽
Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine, 2nd Edition
изд. 2016

McKean Sylvia, Ross John, Dressler Daniel Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine, 2nd Edition

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

The leading textbook of hospital medicine - completely updated to reflect today's challenges

A Doody's...

46101 ₽   32 271 ₽
Oxford handbook of integrated dental biosciences
изд. 2018

Devlin, Hugh; Craven / Хью Девлин Oxford handbook of integrated dental biosciences

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
This handbook presents medical sciences for the dental student, trainee, and practitioner in a concise and easily accessible format, to ensure a clear understanding of how the non-clinical and clinical aspects of dentistry are integrated.
5833 ₽   4 083 ₽
Oral Surgery for Dental Students A Quick Reference Guide
изд. 2019

Jeffrey A. Elo, Alan S. Herford / Elo, Herford Oral Surgery for Dental Students A Quick Reference Guide

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Portable, user-friendly reference covers the most essential oral surgery information!Oral Surgery for Dental Students: A Quick Reference Guide by nationally recognized oral and maxillofacial surgeons and educators Jeffrey A. Elo and Alan S. Herford focuses on essential oral surgery-related topics and...
9 082 ₽
Community Oral Health Practice for the Dental Hygienist
изд. 2016

Beatty Christine French Community Oral Health Practice for the Dental Hygienist

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
Preceded by Community oral health practice for the dental hygienist / edited by Kathy Voigt Geurink. 3rd ed. 2012.
10652 ₽   3 395 ₽
Essentials of Surgery for Dental Students
изд. 2016

S Devaji Rao Essentials of Surgery for Dental Students

  • изд. 2016
Die Spielbucher („Tune Books ) sind auf den methodischen Aufbau der Celloschule abgestimmt und bieten eine Fulle an schonen Stucken fur verschiedene Besetzungen: Werke vom Barock bis zur Romantik, von Vivaldi bis Schubert. Dazu kommen beliebte Lieder aus dem Volksgebrauch sowie Stücke im mo...
8408 ₽   1 762 ₽
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