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Стоматология 592 книги
CBS PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS Cambridge University Press Academ Elsevier India Elsevier Science Eurospan JayPee Brothers JayPee Brothers India John Wiley & Sons Limited Jones and Bartlett Publishers Lippincott Williams & Wilkins McGraw-Hill Nova Science Nova Science Oxford Academ Springer Taylor&Francis-publisher Thieme Verlagsgruppe World Scientific Publishing (UK) Limited
изд. 2016
S Devaji Rao Essentials of Surgery for Dental Students
- изд. 2016
Die Spielbucher („Tune Books ) sind auf den methodischen Aufbau der Celloschule abgestimmt und bieten eine Fulle an schonen Stucken fur verschiedene Besetzungen: Werke vom Barock bis zur Romantik, von Vivaldi bis Schubert. Dazu kommen beliebte Lieder aus dem Volksgebrauch sowie Stücke im mo...
7608 ₽
1 762 ₽
изд. 2019
Littlewood, Simon J. , Laura Mitchell Introduction to orthodontics, 5 ed.- Oxford University Press, 2019 СОЕДИНЕННОЕ КОРОЛЕВСТВО ISBN: 9780198808664
- изд. 2019
This is the essential orthodontics text for all staff involved in orthodontic treatment.
10 138 ₽
изд. 2017
Manjunath Oral Pathology: Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates, 2Ed
- изд. 2017
Written in question-answer format, Oral Pathology: Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates provides all the essential concepts of Oral Pathology to give better insight to the students and helps them to write well prepared answers in examinations. Tailor-made answers to the frequently asked questions...
5742 ₽
1 330 ₽
изд. 2019
Hupp, James R. Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 7th Edition.- Mosby, 2019 СОЕДИНЕННОЕ КОРОЛЕВСТВО ISBN: 9780323552219
- изд. 2019
One of the most respected dental surgery books in the world, Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 7th Edition helps you develop skills in evaluation, diagnosis, and patient management. This comprehensive text on oral surgery procedures features full-color photographs and drawings that show how...
18 993 ₽
изд. 2017
J.M. Powers / Пауэрс Джон Dental Materials: Foundations and Applications, 11 ed.
- изд. 2017
Get an in-depth understanding of the dental materials and tasks that dental professionals encounter every day with Dental Materials: Foundations and Applications, 11th Edition. Trusted for nearly 40 years, Powers and Wataha's text walks readers through the nature, categories, and uses of clinical...
10 492 ₽
изд. 2019
Nowak, Arthur et al Pediatric Dentistry, 6th Edition.- Saunders, 2019 СОЕДИНЕННОЕ КОРОЛЕВСТВО ISBN: 9780323608268
- изд. 2019
Provide superior oral and dental care to children of all ages! Pediatric Dentistry: Infancy through Adolescence Expert Consult, 6th Edition provides comprehensive coverage of oral care for infants, children, teenagers, and medically compromised pediatric patients. Organized by age group, the text covers...
16 070 ₽
изд. 2018
Jens O. Andreasen, Frances M. Andreasen, Lars Ande Textbook and Color Atlas of Traumatic Injuries to the Teeth.- John Wiley and Sons ltd, 2018 СОЕДИНЕННОЕ КОРОЛЕВСТВО ISBN: 9781119167051
- изд. 2018
Die 5. Auflage des Textbook and Color Atlas of Traumatic Injuries to the Teeth deckt umfassend akute Zahntraumata ab und behandelt auch s mtliche Aspekte interdisziplin rer Behandlungsszenarien.
- Neuauflage dieses ma geblichen Referenzwerks der dentalen Traumatologie.
- Gr 1/4ndlich 1/4berarbeitet...
- Neuauflage dieses ma geblichen Referenzwerks der dentalen Traumatologie.
- Gr 1/4ndlich 1/4berarbeitet...
29 138 ₽
изд. 2020
Malamed Stanley F Handbook of Local Anesthesia, 7 ed.- Elsevier, 2020 СОЕДИНЕННОЕ КОРОЛЕВСТВО ISBN: 9780323676861
- изд. 2020
Learn to prevent, recognize, and manage complications of local anesthesia administration. Written by Dr. Stanley Malamed, the leading expert on anesthesia in dentistry, the Handbook of Local Anesthesia, 7th Edition covers all the latest advances in science, instrumentation, and pain control techniques....
14 851 ₽
изд. 2019
Guzmбn-Armstrong Sandra / Сандра Гузмен-Армстронг Caries Management.An Issue of Dental Clinics of North America (Volume 63-4) - Elsevier Science. 2019 СОЕДИНЕННОЕ КОРОЛЕВСТВО ISBN: 9780323673372
- изд. 2019
This issue of Dental Clinics of North America focuses on Caries Management and is edited by Drs. Sandra Guzman-Armstrong, Margherita Fontana, Marcelle Matos Nascimento and Andrea G. Ferreira Zandona.
Articles will include: Non-Surgical management of cavitated and non-cavitated lesions; Approaches to...
Articles will include: Non-Surgical management of cavitated and non-cavitated lesions; Approaches to...
12 219 ₽
изд. 2020
Bird, Doni L. , Debbie S. Robinson Modern Dental Assisting.- Elsevier . 2020 СОЕДИНЕННОЕ КОРОЛЕВСТВО ISBN: 9780323624855
- изд. 2020
Easily master all aspects of dental assisting with the most up-to-date and most trusted text available. For more than 40 years, students and practitioners alike have relied on Modern Dental Assisting for its cutting-edge content, easy-to-grasp writing style, step-by-step procedures, and top-notch visuals....
17 797 ₽
изд. 2023
Melville Advancements and Innovations in OMFS, ENT, and Facial Plastic Surgery
- изд. 2023
This book will cover updated practices and cutting-edge innovations pertinent to advanced Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, Otolaryngologists (Head and Neck Surgeons), and Facial Plastic Surgeons. Each chapter will review and update the reader on advancements in procedures and technologies in head and ...
19 564 ₽
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