Службы системы здравоохранения 1343 книги

Все книги по "Службы системы здравоохранения"

Gunner Goggles Family Medicine, 1 ed.
изд. 2018

Wu Hao-Hua, Wang Leo Gunner Goggles Family Medicine, 1 ed.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
The Gunner Goggles Series is the first exam prep resource written by a high-scoring peer group of medical students, ensuring the most practical and efficient study guidance. It organizes topics around the USMLE and NBME content outlines for the required shelf exams and features state-of-the-art Augm...
4898 ₽   3 429 ₽
The Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need, Edition: 10
изд. 2022

Thaler Malcolm S. / Малькольм С. Тхалер The Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need, Edition: 10

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
For more than 30 years, health care providers have turned to The Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need for Dr. Malcolm S. Thaler's clear and concise guidance on EKG use in everyday practice.

Ideal for readers at all levels of experience, the tenth edition of this straightforward, highly visual resource...
7429 ₽   5 943 ₽
Cases in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 1e
изд. 2014

Yu Cheuk-Man Cases in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 1e

  • ENG
  • изд. 2014

Cases in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy, a brand-new medical reference book for cardiologists, electrophysiologists, surgeons, and primary care doctors, offers an informative and structured view of the newest approaches, treatments and follow-up care methods for heart failure patients treated with...

14202 ₽   9 941 ₽
Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Medicine
изд. 2014

Chapman Stephen, Robinson Grace, Stradling John Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Medicine

  • ENG
  • изд. 2014
Respiratory ailments are the most common reason for emergency admission to hospital, the most common reason to visit the GP, and cost the NHS more than any other disease area. This pocket-sized handbook allows instant access to a wealth of information needed in the day-to-day practice of respiratory...
5859 ₽   4 101 ₽
Phlebotomy Essentials
изд. 2015

McCall Ruth Phlebotomy Essentials

  • ENG
  • изд. 2015
Easily transition from classroom to clinic with Phlebotomy Essentials, sixth edition, by Ruth McCall and Cathee Tankersley. Fully revised with the most recent CLSI guidelines, including new venipuncture standards, this exciting new edition will help you prepare for phlebotomy practice today.   Throu...
10639 ₽   7 447 ₽
Ewles & Simnett's Promoting Health
изд. 2017

Scriven Angela / Анжела Скривен Ewles & Simnett's Promoting Health

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017

Leading the field in public health for over 30 years, Ewles & Simnett's seminal text is now in its seventh edition. This new edition, the second to be revised by Angela Scriven, has been thoroughly updated and aligned with national standards to provide an accessible, current, practical guide for...

6698 ₽   4 689 ₽
The Leader's Guide to Hospital Case Management
изд. 2004

Daniels, Stefani , Ramey, Marianne The Leader's Guide to Hospital Case Management

  • ENG
  • изд. 2004
This text addresses the role of the hospital care manager from a business perspective rather than a nursing perspective. It speaks to the relationship the case manager has with the executive team, managed care contracting office, decision support specialists, as well as medical staff and clinical pr...
30199 ₽   21 139 ₽
Essentials of Endocrinology and Metabolism
изд. 2020

Wondisford / Фредерик Вондисфорд Essentials of Endocrinology and Metabolism

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Designed with the student in mind, each of the main endocrine organs and disorders are covered in thematic sections on diabetes, thyroid disorders, calcium disorders, adrenal disorders, and hypothalamus and pituitary disorders.
12 577 ₽
Community Oral Health Practice for the Dental Hygienist
изд. 2016

Beatty Christine French Community Oral Health Practice for the Dental Hygienist

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
Preceded by Community oral health practice for the dental hygienist / edited by Kathy Voigt Geurink. 3rd ed. 2012.
8841 ₽   3 395 ₽
Exploring medical language, 10 ed.
изд. 2017

Lafleur Brooks Exploring medical language, 10 ed.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
780 pages Systematic presentation of medical terminology provides a foundation of word parts (prefixes, suffixes, and word roots), then builds words by combining the parts. Comprehensive coverage of words that are built from word parts and other important terms creates a distinction between terms built...
11176 ₽   4 270 ₽
Medical Ethics in Clinical Practice, 1st ed Springer, ГЕРМАНИЯ, 2019
изд. 2019

Zwitter, Matjaz Medical Ethics in Clinical Practice, 1st ed Springer, ГЕРМАНИЯ, 2019

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This book discusses medicine from an ethical perspective, whereas books on medical ethics more commonly present ethics from a bio-medical standpoint. The book is divided into 23 chapters.
10 163 ₽
Systems Thinking for Global Health
изд. 2022

Muessig, Carolyn / Кэролайн Мюссиг Systems Thinking for Global Health

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
This book considers the importance of applying a systems-thinking approach to Global Health challenges: one that examines both the individual elements within a system as well as the interrelationships between them. It outlines the core concepts of a systems-thinking approach and how they can be appl...
8 274 ₽
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