Терапия творческим самовыражением 22 книги

Все книги по "Терапия творческим самовыражением"

Dream Sociometry
изд. 2020

Dillard, Joseph / Джозеф Диллард Dream Sociometry

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This unique book is the first of two volumes that describe a new, transpersonal model for therapeutic work on dreams.
5 807 ₽
Social Justice in Dance/Movement Therapy
изд. 2023

Downey Social Justice in Dance/Movement Therapy

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book demonstrates the use of dance/movement therapy to directly counteract social injustices and promote healing in international settings. It also demonstrates the potential for dance/movement therapy in prevention and wellness in clinical and community settings. The use of improvisational and...
13 974 ₽
Music Therapy and Music-Based Interventions in Neurology
изд. 2024

Devlin Music Therapy and Music-Based Interventions in Neurology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2024
This book synthesizes knowledge about the myriad ways music can support the physical and psychosocial needs of people living with neurological diagnoses. It may be a useful tool for those working or training as music therapists, as well as clinicians and patients interested in the use of music and r...
5 589 ₽
Social Justice in Dance/Movement Therapy
изд. 2022

Downey Social Justice in Dance/Movement Therapy

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
This book demonstrates the use of dance/movement therapy to directly counteract social injustices and promote healing in international settings. The chapters in this book do not directly address social justice in dance/movement therapy, but rather provide provoking social justice related positions.
13 974 ₽
The Self in Performance: Autobiographical, Self-Revelatory, and Autoethnographic Forms of Therapeutic Theatre
изд. 2021

Pendzik Susana, Emunah Renйe, Read Johnson David The Self in Performance: Autobiographical, Self-Revelatory, and Autoethnographic Forms of Therapeutic Theatre

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
This book is the first to examine the performance of autobiographical material as a theatrical form, a research subject, and a therapeutic method.
3 912 ₽
Arts Therapies in Psychiatric Rehabilitation
изд. 2021

Volpe Umberto Arts Therapies in Psychiatric Rehabilitation

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
Theologies on the Move examines how the experiences of migration and pilgrimage that are created as a result of the pressures of neoliberal capitalism shape theological and religious traditions. Based on these insights, the contributors examine what difference religion can make in a world dominated ...
15 372 ₽
Recommender Systems for Medicine and Music
изд. 2021

Ras Zbigniew W., Wieczorkowska Alicja, Tsumoto Shusaku Recommender Systems for Medicine and Music

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
Music recommendation systems are becoming more and more popular. Listening to music may improve heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure in people with heart disease. The book presents a variety of approaches useful to create recommendation systems in healthcare, music, and in music therapy.
22 359 ₽
Creativity and Community Among Autism-Spectrum Youth: Creating Positive Social Updrafts Through Play and Performance
изд. 2019

Smagorinsky Peter Creativity and Community Among Autism-Spectrum Youth: Creating Positive Social Updrafts Through Play and Performance

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
A social updraft provides cultural meditational means that include people in a current headed upward, allowing people of atypical makeups to become fully involved in significant cultural activity that brings them a feeling of social belonging.
3 492 ₽
Therapeutically applied role-playing games
изд. 2023

Kilmer, Elizabeth D. Davis, Adam D. Kilmer, Jared / Элизабет Д. Килмер Therapeutically applied role-playing games

  • изд. 2023
Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games provides a comprehensive approach to implementing TA-RPG groups for mental health practitioners.
4 355 ₽
Psychotherapist paints
изд. 2022

Nitsun, Morris (consultant Psychologist And Psychoanalyst, Uk) / Моррис Нитсун Psychotherapist paints

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
A Psychotherapist Paints is a unique account of an internationally known psychotherapist and group analyst`s struggle to bring together his psychological experience and his interests and talent as an artist.
4 355 ₽
Dance, ageing and collaborative art-based research /
изд. 2022

Rachel Herron, Rachel Bar, Mark William Skinner / Рейчел Геррон Dance, ageing and collaborative art-based research /

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
Dance, Ageing and Collaborative Arts-based Research contributes a critical and comprehensive perspective on the role of the arts-specifically dance-in enhancing the lives of older people.
18 150 ₽
Integrating Therapeutic Play Into Nursing and Allied Health Practice
изд. 2023

Weinreb, Amelia Rosenberg Integrating Therapeutic Play Into Nursing and Allied Health Practice

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book helps support developmentally sensitive nursing and allied health practice by integrating the therapeutic powers of play into child and adolescent health care service provision. It is designed to link play, child development, neuroscience, biopsychosocial and attachment theories with the b...
7 685 ₽
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