Желудочно-кишечная и колоректальная хирургия 161 книга

Все книги по "Желудочно-кишечная и колоректальная хирургия"

Steele's Colon and Rectal Surgery
изд. 2022

Scott Steele / Скотт Стил Steele's Colon and Rectal Surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
Offering comprehensive coverage of all diseases and conditions affecting the colon, rectum, and anus, Steele’s Colon and Rectal Surgery provides authoritative guidance on the full range of today’s operative procedures. Edited by Dr. Scott R. Steele, Chairman of the Department of Colorectal Surgery at...
48520 ₽   43 668 ₽
Colorectal Surgery ,
изд. 2012

H. Randolph Bailey Colorectal Surgery ,

  • ENG
  • изд. 2012
Suitable for the general surgeon who is called upon to manage diseases and disorders of the large bowel, rectum, and anus, this title provides advanced guidance on how to avoid complications and achieve the successful results.
26149 ₽   18 304 ₽
Colorectal Surgery
изд. 2018

Clark Sue / Сью Кларк Colorectal Surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Colorectal Surgery meets the needs of surgeons in higher training and practising consultants for a contemporary and evidence-based account of this sub-specialty that is relevant to their general surgical practice. It is a practical reference source incorporating the most current information on recent...

15817 ₽   14 235 ₽
The Enteric Nervous System II
изд. 2024

Spencer The Enteric Nervous System II

  • ENG
  • изд. 2024
This book is based on the proceedings of the Enteric Nervous System conference in Adelaide, Australia, under the auspices of the International Federation for Neurogastroenterology and Motility. The book focuses on methodological strategies and unresolved issues in the field and explores where the fu...
42 857 ₽
Liver Fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini Related Cholangiocarcinoma
изд. 2023

Khuntikeo Liver Fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini Related Cholangiocarcinoma

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This volume discusses new developments in the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of cholangiocarcinoma induced by the liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini. Although cholangiocarcinoma is rare in the Western world, it has a very high incidence in continental Southeast Asian countries, where it is linke...
19 897 ₽
Esophageal Cancer
изд. 2023

Schlottmann Esophageal Cancer

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book provides comprehensive and practical guidance for the management of esophageal cancer. It presents a detailed review of the pathophysiology, clinical staging, treatment, and outcomes of patients with esophageal cancer. Chapters cover the epidemiology of the disease, latest diagnostic and s...
16 836 ₽
Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
изд. 2023

Rajapakse Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book provides a complete overview of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis for the general reader. Written for patients, their friends and families, and any medical or non-medical persons who wish to learn more about Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), it explains the science in clear, accessibl...
5 050 ₽
Natural Orifice Specimen Extraction Surgery
изд. 2023

Wang Natural Orifice Specimen Extraction Surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
With the rapid development of surgical techniques, minimally invasive surgery has become the focal point of medical innovation technology. This book aims to introduce a comprehensive and advanced techniques of natural orifice specimen extraction surgery (NOSES). Firstly, the development process and ...
130 104 ₽
Beyond Evidence-Based Medicine
изд. 2023

Junckerstorff Beyond Evidence-Based Medicine

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This textbook assembles the wealth of clinical experiences across multiple medical specialties and offers clinical pearls that will result in better patient care and are highly relevant to daily practice. This book has been compiled by many renowned clinicians, medical educators, and researchers who...
22 958 ₽
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