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Лечение и лечебно-профилактические средства 423 книги
Все книги по "Лечение и лечебно-профилактические средства"

изд. 2020
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder in childhood and adolescence
- изд. 2020
This clinical guide sets out to be a trailblazer in the field, providing up-to-date information and comprehensive clinical guidance on ARFID in childhood and adolescence.
5189 ₽
4 151 ₽

изд. 2020
Webb, Jon R. Understanding Forgiveness and Addiction
- изд. 2020
This book integrates and synthesizes numerous empirically supported positive psychological constructs and psychotherapeutic theories to help understand addiction and facilitate recovery through the lens of forgiveness.
6290 ₽
4 403 ₽

изд. 2022
Yamada Thoru, Meng Elizabeth / Тору Ямада Practical guide for clinical neurophysiologic testing: ep, ltm/cceeg, iom, psg, and ncs/emg
- изд. 2022
Focusing on the technical aspects of clinical neurophysiologic testing, Practical Guide for Clinical Neurophysiologic Testing: EP, LTM/ccEEG, IOM, PSG, and NCS/EMG 2nd Edition, offers comprehensive guidance on neurophysiologic testing that picks up where the companion Practical Guide for Clinical Neurophysiologic...
20821 ₽
18 739 ₽

изд. 2010
Laurence Brunton, Bruce Chabner Goodman And Gilman's Pharmacological Basis Of Therapeutics 12 ed
- изд. 2010
A medical text that represents accuracy in describing the actions and uses of therapeutic agents in relation to physiology and pathophysiology. It helps thousands of practitioners and students to an understanding of the drugs essential to preventing, diagnosing, and treating disease.
27087 ₽
18 961 ₽

изд. 2010
Babiera Advanced therapy of breast disease
- изд. 2010
This is the first collection of essays bringing together Deleuzian philosophy and postcolonial theory. Bignall and Patton assemble some of the world`s leading figures in these fields - including Reda Bensmaia, Timothy Bewes, Rey Chow, Philip Leonard, Nick Nesbitt, John K. Noyes, Patricia Pisters, Ma...
36992 ₽
25 894 ₽

изд. 2017
Davis / Дейвис Addiction: Psychology and Treatment
- изд. 2017
Addiction: Psychology and Treatment brings together leading psychologists to provide a comprehensive overview of the psychology of addictions and their treatment across specialities and types of services.
6512 ₽
4 558 ₽

изд. 2021
Miller William R., Moyers Theresa B. Effective Psychotherapists: Clinical Skills That Improve Client Outcomes
- изд. 2021
What is it that makes some therapists so much more effective than others, even when they are delivering the same evidence-based treatment' This instructive book identifies specific interpersonal skills and attitudes--often overlooked in clinical training--that facilitate better client outcomes ...
4 289 ₽

изд. 2018
The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy
- изд. 2018
Back by popular demand! The world`s most widely used medical reference is now in its 20th edition. The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy now in its 20th edition has been thoroughly updated and thoughtfully expanded with a new larger trim size to include 40% new and revised content.
10 652 ₽

изд. 2024
Lotfi Hacein-Bey, Pradeep Ramanathan, Subhash C. B / Лотфи Хейсен-Бей, Праддер Рама Neuroscience for Communicative Disorders
- изд. 2024
Develop a practical understanding of neuroscience and confidently prepare for your future career as a clinician, researcher, or instructor with this thoroughly updated, extensively illustrated bestseller.
Favored by students and educators for its user-friendly approach to complex neurological concepts,...
Favored by students and educators for its user-friendly approach to complex neurological concepts,...
15 244 ₽

изд. 2023
Galli Regulatory Aspects of Gene Therapy and Cell Therapy Products
- изд. 2023
This book discusses the different regulatory pathways for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products implemented by national agencies in North and South America, Europe and Asia and by international bodies in the effort of international harmonization. This book represents an update of the first edition, as...
24 489 ₽

изд. 2023
Eastman, Quinn / Куинн Истман The Woman who couldn`t wake up Hypersomnia and the Science of Sleepiness
- изд. 2023
4 805 ₽

изд. 2023
Eddie Capparucci, Nathan Jones / Эдди Каппаруччи Understanding Your Inner Child and Overcoming Addiction
- изд. 2023
3 931 ₽
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