Теория и исследования ухода за больными 64 книги
Advanced practice in mental health nursing
изд. 2022

Advanced practice in mental health nursing

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
Endorsed by the European Psychiatric Nurses Organization (Horatio)
7 965 ₽
Successful doctoral training in nursing and health sciences
изд. 2022

Jackson, Debra, Rn, Commnurscert, Bhsc(nurs) Mnurs, Phd Davidson, Patricia M. Usher, Kim Successful doctoral training in nursing and health sciences

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
This textbook is a practical, user-friendly and essential guide for doctoral students, their supervisors and advisors and administrators of doctoral programs in nursing and health sciences.
5 589 ₽
Global mental health ethics
изд. 2022

Dyer, Allen R. Global mental health ethics

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
This volume addresses gaps in the existing literature of global mental health by focusing on the ethical considerations that are implicit in discussions of health policy.
11 878 ₽
Nurses and covid-19: ethical considerations in pandemic care
изд. 2022

Nurses and covid-19: ethical considerations in pandemic care

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
This book addresses the many ethical issues and extraordinary risks that nurses and others are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic, which creates physical, emotional, and economic burdens, affecting nurses` overall health and well-being.
6 986 ₽
Global Midwifery: Principles, Policy and Practice
изд. 2022

Kemp Joy, MacLean Gaynor D., Moyo Nester Global Midwifery: Principles, Policy and Practice

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022
This textbook is the first authoritative, in-depth publication about global midwifery and the contribution of skilled professional midwives to the provision of high quality maternity care, reductions in maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity.
8 384 ₽
Clinical Reasoning: Knowledge, Uncertainty, and Values in Health Care
изд. 2021

Chiffi Daniele Clinical Reasoning: Knowledge, Uncertainty, and Values in Health Care

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
Chapter 1: Introduction: - Chapter 2: Foundations of Clinical Diagnosis.- Chapter 3: Probability in Clinical Diagnosis.- Chapter 4: Clinical Hypotheses in Diagnostic and Prognostic Reasoning.- Chapter 5: Prognosis in the Face of Uncertainty.- Chapter 6: On Clinical Possibility.- Chapter 7: The Epist...
12 577 ₽
Ethics in Intensive Care Medicine
изд. 2023

Michalsen Ethics in Intensive Care Medicine

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
In this book, part of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) textbook series, experts in the field of clinical ethics describe basic principles of clinical ethics and ethical reasoning, the fundamental pillars of intensive care medicine as well as the decision-making processes neces...
9 083 ₽
Mentoring in Nursing through Narrative Stories Across the World
изд. 2023

Rollins Gantz Mentoring in Nursing through Narrative Stories Across the World

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
The book explores how mentoring, theoretical background of mentoring and how mentoring is used by nurses in all arenas where they work in health care, education, research, policy, politics, and academia in supporting nurses with their professional and career development. Over 300 mentors and mentees...
11 179 ₽
Global Mental Health Ethics
изд. 2021

Dyer Allen R., Kohrt Brandon A., Candilis Philip J. Global Mental Health Ethics

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
This volume addresses gaps in the existing literature of global mental health by focusing on the ethical considerations that are implicit in discussions of health policy.
11 878 ₽
Clinical Reasoning: Knowledge, Uncertainty, and Values in Health Care
изд. 2020

Chiffi Daniele Clinical Reasoning: Knowledge, Uncertainty, and Values in Health Care

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This book offers a philosophically-based, yet clinically-oriented perspective on current medical reasoning aiming at 1) identifying important forms of uncertainty permeating current clinical reasoning and practice 2) promoting the application of an abductive methodology in the health context in orde...
12 577 ₽
How to perform a systematic literature review
изд. 2020

Purssell, Edward Mccrae, Niall How to perform a systematic literature review

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
The systematic review is a rigorous method of collating and synthesizing evidence from multiple studies, producing a whole greater than the sum of parts.
7 685 ₽
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