WHO Classification of Tumours: Female Genital Tumours. 5 Ed.

ISBN: 9789283245049
Код товара 113592

WHO Classification of Tumours: Female Genital Tumours. 5 Ed.

WHO Classification of Tumours: Female Genital Tumours. 5 Ed.

ISBN: 9789283245049
Код товара 113592

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  • Издатель

    World Health Organization

  • Тип обложки


  • Размеры

    26.67 x 20.57 x 3.30 cm

  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


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О чём книга?

****When not purchasing directly from the official sales agents of the WHO, especially at online bookshops, please note that there have been issues with counterfeited copies. Buy only from known sellers and if there are quality issues, please contact the seller for a refund.*****

Female Genital Tumours is the fourth volume in the 5th edition of the WHO series on the classification of human tumours. This series (also known as the WHO Blue Books) is regarded as the gold standard for the diagnosis of tumours and comprises a unique synthesis of histopathological diagnosis with digital and molecular pathology. These authoritative and concise reference books provide indispensable international standards for anyone involved in the care of patients with cancer or in cancer research, underpinning individual patient treatment as well as research into all aspects of cancer causation, prevention, therapy, and education.

What's new in this edition'

The 5th edition, guided by the WHO Classification of Tumours Editorial Board, will establish a single coherent cancer classification presented across a collection of individual volumes organized on the basis of anatomical site (digestive system, breast, soft tissue and bone, etc.) and structured in a systematic manner, with each tumour type listed within a taxonomic classification: site, category, family (class), type, and subtype. In each volume, the entities are now listed from benign to malignant and are described under an updated set of headings, including histopathology, diagnostic molecular pathology, staging, and easy-to-read essential and desirable diagnostic criteria.

Who should read this book'

- Pathologists

- Oncologists

- Cancer researchers

- Surgeons

- Epidemiologists

- Cancer registrars

This volume

- Prepared by 191 authors and editors

- Contributors from around the world

- More than 850 high-quality images

- More than 3100 references

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