ISBN: 9781469832012
Код товара 164106
Essential Clinical Anatomy, International Edition 5e

ISBN: 9781469832012
Код товара 164106
7829 ₽
5 480 ₽
В наличии: 1 шт.
Keith L. Moore, Arthur F. Dalley II, Anne M. R. Ag
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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Вес (г)
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О чём книга?
Essential Clinical Anatomy, Fifth Edition presents core anatomical concepts in a concise, student-friendly format. The text includes the hallmark blue Clinical Boxes, as well as surface anatomy and medical imaging features. It is an ideal text for shorter medical courses and health professions courses with a condensed coverage of anatomy. Essential Clinical Anatomy, like the authors’ more comprehensive text, Clinically Oriented Anatomy, receives global acclaim for the relevance of its clinical correlations. The book emphasizes anatomy that is important in physical diagnosis for primary care, interpretation of diagnostic imaging, and understanding the anatomical basis of emergency medicine and general surgery.The 5th Edition features: A NEW AND IMPROVED ART PROGRAM: Illustrations have been redrawn in a modern, updated style that enhances student understanding of key concepts CLINICAL BOXES: Renowned “blue boxes” highlight information on pathology, anatomical variation, trauma, the life cycle, surgical procedures, and diagnostic procedures SURFACE ANATOMY AND MEDICAL IMAGING: Chapters include surface anatomy and imaging sections to enhance clinical and diagnostic knowledge INTERACTIVE REVIEW QUESTIONS: Prepare for board and class exams with online review questions at thePoint.lww.com
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