Basic to Advanced Clinical Echocardiography. A Self-Assessment Tool for the Cardiac Sonographer

ISBN: 9781975136253
Код товара 98937

Bonita Anderson, Margaret Park, Allan L. Klein, Cr / Бонита Андерсон

Basic to Advanced Clinical Echocardiography. A Self-Assessment Tool for the Cardiac Sonographer

Basic to Advanced Clinical Echocardiography. A Self-Assessment Tool for the Cardiac Sonographer

ISBN: 9781975136253
Код товара 98937

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  • Автор

    Bonita Anderson, Margaret Park, Allan L. Klein, Cr / Бонита Андерсон

  • Издатель

    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

  • Тип обложки


  • Размеры

    170 x 109 x 15

  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


  • ISBN


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О чём книга?

A unique resource, this book is designed to determine not only your level of expertise and applicability of knowledge but also serve as an up-to-date clinical resource in the practice of cardiac sonography. 

This powerful,'long-needed'resource'presents the essentials of'clinical'echocardiography'in a precise'Q&A'format fashioned after Clinical Echocardiography Review A Self-Assessment Tool edited by Allan L. Klein and Craig R. Asher. Whether you are just beginning your training, are'already preparing for your examination,'or simply want to review and increase your knowledge depth,'this easy-to-use resource will help you develop the knowledge and skills you need for success. 

  • Flexible:'A'wide range of'multiple-choice questions'identified as'beginner, intermediate,'or'advanced'make it easy for you to'select the level of material you want to review.'' 
  • Quick-review'format: Concise chapters by experts in the field follow an easy-to-follow,'Q&A style to ensure content mastery.' 
  • Concise Answer Outlines: Each question is supported by a detailed answer outline to enhance understanding and skill development. 
  • Visual: More than 400 online echo clip videos'bring concepts and techniques to life and help you to internalize key essential elements of disease recognition. 
  • Clinically Oriented: More than 1,270 self-assessment questions (many with case-based images and easily accessible video files) place you in clinical scenarios. 
  • Practical:'An extensive online question bank'gives you'unlimited opportunities for self-assessment and review.' 
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  • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech

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