Endoscopy In The Era Of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria, An Issue Of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics,30-4

ISBN: 9780323733861
Код товара 96253

Van Dam, Jacques

Endoscopy In The Era Of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria, An Issue Of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics,30-4

Endoscopy In The Era Of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria, An Issue Of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics,30-4

ISBN: 9780323733861
Код товара 96253

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  • Автор

    Van Dam, Jacques

  • Издатель

    Elsevier Science

  • Тип обложки


  • Размеры

    160 x 238 x 19

  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


  • ISBN


  • Язык


  • Кол-во страниц


О чём книга?

Together with Consulting Editor Dr. Charles Lightdale, Dr. Jacques Van Dam has put together the first ever monograph that tackles the challenges of infection prevention by endoscopists and interventional endoscopists. Dr. Van Dam has selected authors who have learned valuable lessons in hospitals where antibiotic-resistant infections occurred as well as regulating bodies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), who are trying to both resolve what happened and create, as much as possible, an evidenced-based response in an effort to protect the public. Articles are specifically devoted to the following topics: Introduction to Transmission of Infection: Potential Agents Transmitted by Endoscopy; Genetic Mutation and Natural Selection of Resistant Bacteria: How did We Get Here; Nosocomial Infections: A History of Hospital-Acquired Infections; Endoscope as Vector for Transmission Methods for Endoscope Reprocessing; Novel Algorithms for Reprocessing, Drying and Storing; Quality Systems Approach for Endoscope Reprocessing: You Don't Know What you Don't Know; Role of the FDA: From Device Regulation to Crisis Management; Hospital Outbreaks; Patient as Vector and Victim; Society Guidelines: Where is the Consensus; New-Age Antibiotics; Role of the CDC: From Hospital Outbreak to Crisis Management. Readers will come away with latest information they need to prevent infections in their endoscopy suites and hospitals.

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