Chest X-Ray Made Easy. -Elsevier Science

ISBN: 9780702054990
Код товара 91292

Corne, Jonathan / Джонатан Корне

Chest X-Ray Made Easy. -Elsevier Science

Chest X-Ray Made Easy. -Elsevier Science

ISBN: 9780702054990
Код товара 91292

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  • Автор

    Corne, Jonathan / Джонатан Корне

  • Издатель

    Elsevier Science

  • Тип обложки


  • Размеры

    142 x 218 x 11

  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


  • ISBN


  • Язык


  • Кол-во страниц


О чём книга?

This popular guide to the examination and interpretation of chest radiographs is an invaluable aid for medical students, junior doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and radiographers. Translated into over a dozen languages, this book has been widely praised for making interpretation of the chest X-ray as simple as possible

The chest X-ray is often central to the diagnosis and management of a patient. As a result every doctor requires a thorough understanding of the common radiological problems. This pocketbook describes the range of conditions likely to be encountered on the wards and guides the reader through the diagnostic process based on the appearance of the abnormality shown.

. Covers the full range of common radiological problems

. Includes valuable advice on how to examine an X-ray

. Assists the doctor in determining the nature of the abnormality

. Points the clinician towards a possible differential diagnosis.

  • A larger page size allows for larger and clearer illustrations.
  • A new chapter on the sick patient covers the patient on ITU and the appearance of lines and tubes.
  • There is extended use of CT imaging with advice on choosing modalities depending on the clinical circumstances.
  • A new section of chest x-ray problems incorporates particularly challenging case histories.
  • The international relevance of the text has been expanded with additional text and images.

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