Critical thinking in clinical research

ISBN: 9780199324491
Код товара 87149

Critical thinking in clinical research

Critical thinking in clinical research

ISBN: 9780199324491
Код товара 87149

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  • Издатель

    Oxford Academ

  • Тип обложки


  • Размеры

    235 x 158 x 40

  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


  • ISBN


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О чём книга?

One of the most crucial skills a clinician, scientist, or student can learn is to create, conduct, and interpret the conclusions of a clinical study. Critical Thinking in Clinical Research teaches these fundamentals in four distinct sections, called units : the first unit focuses on issues
surrounding the design of a study such as population, question selection, randomization, and blinding; Unit 2 presents statistical methods such as analyzing data collected, how to present and discuss the data concisely; the third unit covers practical aspects such as methodology, organizational
considerations, principles of trial conduct and reporting; and the final unit delves into study designs, providing the advantages and drawbacks of each design style.

Each chapter begins with a short introduction, followed by a hypothetical case that challenges the reader to make decisions, to consider pros and cons of specific approaches, and to evaluate options based on specific conditions. Knowing how to critically read and understand scientific papers and to
collect, analyze, and interpret research data, which they in turn can then present in their own scientific manuscript makes this book the perfect resource for anyone looking to contribute to the wealth of scientific and medical inquiry.

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