Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Second Edition

ISBN: 9780071829281
Код товара 86497


Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Second Edition

Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Second Edition

ISBN: 9780071829281
Код товара 86497

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    227 x 284 x 42

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The gold-standard text in pediatric hospital medicine - updated and streamlined for today's practice

Hailed by reviewers and clinicians alike, Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine has become the specialty's cornerstone text. Edited by five leading figures in pediatric hospital medicine, this acclaimed resource brings you the most up-to-date, evidence-based approaches to inpatient pediatric care from experts in their fields.

Comprehensive Pediatric Hospital Medicine, Second Edition opens with an informative introductory section that defines hospital medicine and addresses general issues of hospitalist practice and administration. This includes important topics such as medical legal issues, communications, electronic health records, palliative care, ethical issues, careers, professional organizations, and more.

The book then moves into commonly presenting signs and symptoms. This is followed by the largest section, a breakdown of diseases by system. The text concludes with a procedures section that provides hard-to-find instruction on the procedures most commonly performed on children in a hospital setting.

The Disease chapters are templated to include Background, Pathophysiology, Differential Diagnosis, Diagnostic Evaluation, Management, Special Considerations, Key Points, References, algorithms, and more. The Procedures chapters include Indications, Contraindications, Anatomy, Equipment, Procedure, Preparation, Technique, Complications, and Special Considerations.

If you're in need of an up-to-date, comprehensive, and authoritative text that spans the emerging field of pediatric hospital medicine, your search ends here.

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