Immunology. - 9 Ed. - Elsevier Science, 2021. - 550 p. - ISBN 9780702078446

ISBN: 9780702078446
Код товара 79790

Male David, P Stoker. / Пиббл, Мейл

Immunology. - 9 Ed. - Elsevier Science, 2021. - 550 p. - ISBN 9780702078446

Immunology. - 9 Ed. - Elsevier Science, 2021. - 550 p. - ISBN 9780702078446

ISBN: 9780702078446
Код товара 79790

8 925 ₽

Доставка под заказ

  • Автор

    Male David, P Stoker. / Пиббл, Мейл

  • Издатель

    Elsevier Science

  • Тип обложки


  • Размеры

    217 x 279 x 13

  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


  • ISBN


  • Язык


  • Кол-во страниц


О чём книга?

Covering all the basic and clinical concepts you need to know for your coursework and USMLEs, Immunology, 9th Edition, offers a well-illustrated, carefully structured approach to this complex and fast-changing field. Carefully edited and authored by experts in both teaching and research, it provides cutting-edge, consistent coverage that links the laboratory and clinical practice. A user-friendly, color-coded format, including key concept boxes, explanatory diagrams, and nearly 200 photos to help you visually grasp and retain challenging concepts.

  • Explains the building blocks of the immune system - cells, organs, and major receptor molecules - as well as initiation and actions of the immune response, especially in a clinical context.
  • Includes extensive updates to clinical information, including recent clinical approaches in cancer immunology, transplantation, autoimmunity, hypersensitivity, and more.
  • Features a reorganized format that presents immunology in the order in which is typically taught and learned, better integrating basic and clinical immunology.
  • Covers new topics such as innate lymphoid cells, antibody-based therapies and antibody engineering, innate immunity and its components, the genetics of immunologically-based diseases and personalized medicine, and immunotherapeutic agents for the treatment of cancer.
  • Provides Critical Thinking boxes, chapter-opening summaries, and case-based and USMLE-style questions that provide effective review and quick practice for exams - plus more learning opportunities online, including USMLE-style questions and clinical cases.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. It also features full color 3-D animations'to deliver a dynamic visual overview of immunological concepts.

      Includes extensive updates to clinical information, including recent clinical approaches in cancer immunology, transplantation, autoimmunity, hypersensitivity, and more.

      Covers new topics such as innate lymphoid cells, antibody-based therapies and antibody engineering, innate immunity and its components, the genetics of immunologically-based diseases and personalized medicine, and immunotherapeutic agents for the treatment of cancer.

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