ISBN: 9781260143652
Код товара 74208
Infectious Diseases: A Clinical Short Course, 4 ed

ISBN: 9781260143652
Код товара 74208
15 800 ₽
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Southwick, Frederick
Тип обложки
188 x 235 x 29
Год издания
Вес (г)
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Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. A proven way to learn the principles of clinical infectious diseases in just thirty daysInfectious Diseases: A Clinical Short Course, Fourth Edition is a concise overview of this important field designed to help the busy physician, medical student, nurse practitioner, and physician assistant to understand, diagnose, and treat common infectious diseases. This unique self-instruction book is organized by system/region as opposed to pathogens simulating how common pathogens and disorders would be encountered in rounds or in practice.
This new edition will include key content updates, and ensure that content aligns itself with information tested on the USMLE Step 2. By indicating the number of days that should be allotted to the study of each chapter, the author has created a schedule for completion of each lesson. A wide array of tables that summarize the methods of clinical assessment, anti-infective agent doses, and drug toxicities--facts that do not require memorization, but do need to be referred to when caring for patients--facilitate this condensed learning schedule.
There is no better resource for learning to associate pathogens with the corresponding impact on patients than Infectious Diseases. *Key Points summarize the most important facts when managing each infection and facilitate board review*Guiding Questions begin each chapter*An estimate of the potential severity of each disease gives you a sense of how quickly you should initiate treatment*Numerous case examples highlight real-world clinical application of the content*Dozens of color plates depict major pathogens*All chapters have been updated to reflect the most current treatment and diagnostic guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Society of America
This new edition will include key content updates, and ensure that content aligns itself with information tested on the USMLE Step 2. By indicating the number of days that should be allotted to the study of each chapter, the author has created a schedule for completion of each lesson. A wide array of tables that summarize the methods of clinical assessment, anti-infective agent doses, and drug toxicities--facts that do not require memorization, but do need to be referred to when caring for patients--facilitate this condensed learning schedule.
There is no better resource for learning to associate pathogens with the corresponding impact on patients than Infectious Diseases. *Key Points summarize the most important facts when managing each infection and facilitate board review*Guiding Questions begin each chapter*An estimate of the potential severity of each disease gives you a sense of how quickly you should initiate treatment*Numerous case examples highlight real-world clinical application of the content*Dozens of color plates depict major pathogens*All chapters have been updated to reflect the most current treatment and diagnostic guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Society of America
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