ISBN: 9789356967229
Код товара 160343
Women’s Mental Health
ISBN: 9789356967229
Код товара 160343
5 016 ₽
Доставка под заказ
Prabha S Chandra,Aruna Yadiyal,Sai Krishna Tikka
JayPee Brothers India
Тип обложки
241 x 159 x 28
Год издания
Вес (г)
Кол-во страниц
О чём книга?
Women's Mental Health has till recently not received the attention it deserves, partly due to lack of sex and gender aggregated data in research studies and also due toan unduefocus only on reproductive health issues.The last decade has seen an Increase in studies on several aspects of the mental health of women including sociocultural determinants and life course issues. There has also been increased emphasis on sex specific issues in pharmacological and other forms of treatment as well in developing gender sensitive services that address the needs of women with mental health problems Including those linked to trauma. Jostling for shelf space with many other books on mental health, we wanted this book to appeal to professionals in India and South Asia while conceptualizing the cultural aspects of mental health in a woman, addressing violence, using a life course approach or making a treatment plan or indeed In planning gender sensitive mental health. The book is divided into !cur sections. each ably handled by a different editor. Section 1 deals with the clinical aspects of psychiatric disorders. Section 2 discusses the area of reproductive psychiatry, Section 3 dwells on Important aspects of vulnerability, autonomy and power imbalances that affect women's mental health including gender-based violenceand Section 4 looks at morecontemporary topics related to the practice of women's mental health including assessment, formulation and services. The themes in the book offer guidance on how to view a woman's mental health from a gendered and cultural lens as well as an approach to developing gender sensitive mental health services.
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