Environmental Impacts on Families

ISBN: 9783031226519
Код товара 154688


Environmental Impacts on Families

Environmental Impacts on Families

ISBN: 9783031226519
Код товара 154688

22 958 ₽

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    Soft cover

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    235 x 155

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О чём книга?

This book examines ways in which families’ physical environments have implications for their relationships and the health and well-being of their members. Attention is given to three aspects of the physical environment—disasters, climate change, and the built environment—and the challenges these may create for families. Chapters describe particular considerations within each of these three physical environment challenges, the ways they affect families, and factors that protect families, promote their resilience and enable them to flourish. Finally, the volume offers recommendations for the role of government programs and policies to support families to overcome and/or adapt to environmental challenges as well as highlights the efficacy of evidence-based interventions aimed at promoting family resilience. Featured areas of coverage include: * Extreme natural events and families’ postdisaster recovery. * Family adaptations to climate change. * The built environment and children’s health and well-being. * Community-driven approaches to address environmental inequities. * The urban environment of family caregiving. Environmental Impacts on Families is a must-have resource for researchers, professors, and graduate students as well as clinicians, therapists, policymakers, and other related professionals in developmental psychology, family studies, environmental health and policy, social work, public health, educational policy and politics, economics, migration studies, and all interrelated disciplines.

Part I. Environmental Disasters and Impacts on Families.- Chapter 1. Impacts of Disaster-Induced Death and Destruction on Health and Mortality over the Longer Term.- Chapter 2. Evidence-Based Interventions for Children and Families During Disaster Recover
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