ISBN: 9789811967122
Код товара 154521
Physical Therapy and Research in Patients with Cancer

ISBN: 9789811967122
Код товара 154521
23 724 ₽
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Тип обложки
Soft cover
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Вес (г)
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О чём книга?
This collection of chapters describes in detail the physical therapy research in patients with various types of cancers to help medical professionals and physical therapists help improve the physical function, activity of daily living, quality of life, the survival rate in cancer patients and cancer survivors. It provides not only information on rehabilitation but details on physical therapy cancer research and research methods. The book provides practical skills to treat the patients and to create useful and effective physical therapy programs by giving step-by-step tutorials to help readers learn various techniques. Along with presenting an introduction to physical therapy of cance and new findings, the authors provide recommendations on each cancer therapy. Physical Therapy and Research in Patients with Cancer is aimed at physical therapists and student physical therapists. Undergraduate and postgraduate students also can use our book to understand the basics and get up-to-date information. By sharing the latest research with our readers, the book creates a foundation for further development in this field of study.
Part 1 Physical Function and Health Related Quality of Life.- 1 Physical function and health related QOL in cancer survivors.- 2 Physical function and health-related quality of life after breast cancer surgery.- 3 Physical function and health-related qual
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1.58 s.