History of Cancer and Emotions in Twentieth-Century Germany

ISBN: 9780192868077
Код товара 142875

Hitzer, Bettina (Heisenberg Fellow, Heisenberg Fellow, Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies at TU Dresden) / Беттина Хитцер

History of Cancer and Emotions in Twentieth-Century Germany

History of Cancer and Emotions in Twentieth-Century Germany

ISBN: 9780192868077
Код товара 142875

12 540 ₽

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  • Автор

    Hitzer, Bettina (Heisenberg Fellow, Heisenberg Fellow, Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Studies at TU Dresden) / Беттина Хитцер

  • Издатель

    Oxford Academ

  • Тип обложки


  • Размеры

    166 x 240 x 34

  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


  • ISBN


  • Язык


  • Кол-во страниц


О чём книга?

This study details the history of cancer and emotions in twentieth-century Germany and thus follows the cancer-associated transformations of emotional regimes, emotional politics, and emotional experiences through five different political systems.

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