Clinical Scales for Headache Disorders

ISBN: 9783031259371
Код товара 142262

Yal'nay Dikmen

Clinical Scales for Headache Disorders

Clinical Scales for Headache Disorders

ISBN: 9783031259371
Код товара 142262

13 974 ₽

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Если Вы закажете книгу до 30.09.2024, то мы привезём её ориентировочно 11.11.2024.

  • Автор

    Yal'nay Dikmen

  • Издатель


  • Тип обложки


  • Размеры

    235 x 155

  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


  • ISBN


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О чём книга?

This book provides an overview of planning and examining the methodology, analytic issues, primary and secondary endpoints and outcomes in headache trials. Throughout the book, guidance on how to design a high quality study and how to evaluate which study has relevant scientific qualification is discussed in detail. Clinical scales and patient related outcome measures (PROMs) to exclude secondary headaches, to diagnose primary headache disorders, to evaluate patients’ health-related quality of life, to detect psychiatric comorbidities, to assess patients’ headache-related disability and to monitor patients’ treatment optimization are clearly and concisely outlined in the chapters. Clinical Scales for Headache Disorders highlights the components for planning an effective headache study including interpretation of primary and secondary endpoints, common clinical scales, PROMs and their clinical reliability and validation. Both clinicians and researchers will find this book to be a useful tool for their medical and academic practices on headache and migraine.

What is the best methodology for headache or migraine research'.- Clinical Scales for Headache and Migraine.- Reliability and Validity of Measurement of Clinical Scales .- PROMs in headache and migraine.- Measuring pain intensity in headache trials.- Clin
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