ISBN: 9781264842087
Код товара 139288
Morgan And Mikhail'S Clinical Anesthesiology 7E (Ie)

ISBN: 9781264842087
Код товара 139288
8921 ₽
7 137 ₽
В наличии: 2 шт.
Butterworth / Баттерворт
Тип обложки
140 x 212 x 32
Год издания
Вес (г)
Кол-во страниц
О чём книга?
The most engagingly written, clinically relevant overview of the practice of anesthesiologyMorgan & Mikhail's Clinical Anesthesiology, Seventh Edition is an essential resource for all anesthesia students and practitioners. Hailed as the best primer on the topic, this trusted classic delivers comprehensive coverage of the field's must-know basic science and clinical topics in a clear, easy-to-understand presentation. The text is also ideal for coursework, review, or as a clinical refresher.
Key features that make it easier to understand complex topics:Rich full-color art work combined with a modern, user-friendly design make information easy to find and rememberThe perfect distillation of essential information: succinct without sacrificing important detailsCase discussions promote application of concepts in real-world clinical practiceKey Concepts at the beginning of each chapter identify important issues and factsNumerous tables and figures encapsulate important information and facilitate recallUp-to-date discussion of all relevant areas of anesthesiology, including equipment and monitors, pharmacology, pathophysiology, regional anesthesia, pain management, and critical care URLs for societies, guidelines, and practice advisories
Key features that make it easier to understand complex topics:Rich full-color art work combined with a modern, user-friendly design make information easy to find and rememberThe perfect distillation of essential information: succinct without sacrificing important detailsCase discussions promote application of concepts in real-world clinical practiceKey Concepts at the beginning of each chapter identify important issues and factsNumerous tables and figures encapsulate important information and facilitate recallUp-to-date discussion of all relevant areas of anesthesiology, including equipment and monitors, pharmacology, pathophysiology, regional anesthesia, pain management, and critical care URLs for societies, guidelines, and practice advisories
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