Grant's Atlas of Anatomy, International Edition 14e

ISBN: 9781496310248
Код товара 127565

Anne M. R. Agur,Arthur F. Dalley

Grant's Atlas of Anatomy, International Edition 14e

Grant's Atlas of Anatomy, International Edition 14e

ISBN: 9781496310248
Код товара 127565

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  • Автор

    Anne M. R. Agur,Arthur F. Dalley

  • Издатель

    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

  • Тип обложки


  • Размеры

    238 x 277 x 40

  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


  • ISBN


  • Язык


  • Кол-во страниц


О чём книга?

Real-world guidance for today’s anatomy lab. Illustrations drawn from real specimens, presented in surface-to-deep dissection sequence, set Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy apart as the most accurate reference available for learning human anatomy. These realistic representations provide students with the ultimate lab resource. For more than seventy years, Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy has continually adapted to meet the needs of each generation of students, while maintaining the Grant’s tradition of excellence. The meticulously updated fourteenth edition is a visually stunning reference that delivers the accuracy, pedagogy, and clinical relevance expected of this classic atlas, with new features that make it even more practical and user-friendly: Recolorization of the original Grant’s Atlas images from high-resolution scans add a new level of organ luminosity and tissue transparency, and enable the formation of 3D constructs for each body region. This lavish visual enhancement ensures a vastly improved experience in learning the structure and function of the human body. See the enhanced color and detail here: Schematic illustrations now feature a uniform style and consistent coloring , clearly showing the relationships of structures and clarifying anatomical concepts. Newly revised legends with highlighted clinical applications describe the anatomic features and provide context for health care practice. Enhanced medical imaging includes more than 100 clinically significant MRIs, CT images, ultrasound scans, and corresponding orientation drawings. Updated and improved tables help organize muscles, vessels, and other anatomic information in an easy-to-use format ideal for review and study.

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