Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Board Review: Pearls Of Wisdom

ISBN: 9780071629744
Код товара 126820


Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Board Review: Pearls Of Wisdom

Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Board Review: Pearls Of Wisdom

ISBN: 9780071629744
Код товара 126820

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    274 x 215 x 29

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О чём книга?

Maximize Your Plastic Surgery Board Exam Score

This powerful, results-oriented study guide delivers everything you need to improve knowledge, confidence, and recall. Featuring a rigorous quick-hit Q&A format consisting of short clinical questions with concise answers, this is truly your most effective weapon when preparing for plastic surgery in-service and board exams.

The unique question and single-answer format of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Board Review, 2e eliminates the guesswork associated with traditional multiple-choice Q&A reviews and reinforces only the answers you need to know on exam day. Enhanced by 18 new chapters and covering all core competences found on the board exam, the book emphasizes distilling key facts and clinical pearls essential to exam success. This high-yield review is the perfect complement to larger texts and delivers an intense, streamlined review in the days and weeks before the exam. 6000+ rapid-fire questions cover all the core competencies on the plastic surgery board exam 18 NEW CHAPTERS, including ones on liposuction, otoplasty, facial augmentation, head and neck reconstruction, and melanoma Over 100 illustrations and images, including important surgical techniques Thoroughly updated by a nationwide team of expert contributors

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