Dictionary of Human Developmental Biology and Embryology

ISBN: 9781118867822
Код товара 120772

Frank J. Dye

Dictionary of Human Developmental Biology and Embryology

Dictionary of Human Developmental Biology and Embryology

ISBN: 9781118867822
Код товара 120772

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  • Автор

    Frank J. Dye

  • Издатель

    John Wiley & Sons Limited

  • Тип обложки


  • Размеры

    246 x 177 x 23

  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


  • ISBN


  • Язык


  • Кол-во страниц


О чём книга?

Stem cells, regenerative medicine, and translational medicine, are all areas of burgeoning basic research and clinical application.

This dictionary includes the fundamental terminology of each of these areas, the major discoveries and significant scientists that comprise the history and current development of the field, as well as a number of concepts. The vocabulary is presented within the broader lexicon of developmental biology and embryology, which provides context for these three fields. Topics covered range from stem cells (embryonic, adult, and iPSCs) to teratology. The inclusion of extensive cross-referencing of the terms will enable readers to broaden their understanding of them.

The Dictionary of Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, and Translational Medicine will provide both the basic background terminology needed by pre-health professions/biology major undergraduate students and early-stage graduate students, as well as being a valuable reference for university professors, researchers and peers in related disciplines.

As a dictionary this work will not have chapters or a table of contents, but will be organized alphabetically, including terms and historical vignettes. Illustrations, tables, etc. will be referred to in the alphabetical text. 
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