MKSAP® 18 Rheumatology

ISBN: 9781938245534
Код товара 119079

Michael H. Pillinger

MKSAP® 18 Rheumatology

MKSAP® 18 Rheumatology

ISBN: 9781938245534
Код товара 119079

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  • Автор

    Michael H. Pillinger

  • Издатель


  • Тип обложки


  • Размеры

    317 x 284 x 8

  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


  • ISBN


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О чём книга?

In these pages, you will find updated information on approaches to the patient with rheumatologic disease, principles of therapeutics, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, infectious arthritis, inflammatory myopathies, systemic sclerosis, systemic vasculitis, autoinflammatory diseases, genetic diseases of connective tissue, and other clinical challenges, including 96 all-new peer-reviewed, psychometrically validated, multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for self-assessment and study.MKSAP® 18 is specifically intended for physicians who provide personal, non-surgical care to adults, including general internists and primary care physicians, subspecialists who need to remain up-to-date in internal medicine, residents preparing for the Certification Exam in internal medicine, physicians preparing for the Maintenance of the Certification Exam in internal medicine, and medical educators.The learning objectives of MKSAP® 18 are:- Close gaps between actual care in your practice and preferred standards of care, based on best evidence.- Diagnose disease states that are less common and sometimes overlooked or confusing.- Improve management of comorbid conditions that can complicate patient care.- Determine when to refer patients for surgery or care by subspecialists.- Pass the ABIM Certification Examination and the ABIM Maintenance of Certification Examination.

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