Harrison'S Rheumatology

ISBN: 9780071741439
Код товара 107440


Harrison'S Rheumatology

Harrison'S Rheumatology

ISBN: 9780071741439
Код товара 107440

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    26.72 x 22.00 x 1.52 cm

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О чём книга?

Rheumatology--with all the authority of HARRISON'S

A Doody's Core Title for 2011

Featuring the chapters on rheumatology that appear in Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17e, this compact clinical companion delivers the latest knowledge in the field, backed by the scientific rigor and reliability that have defined Harrison's. Inside you'll find coverage that reflects the expertise of renowned editors and contributors--presented in a carry-anywhere format that makes it ideal for the classroom, the wards, or exam/certification preparation.

Features: Current, thorough coverage of need-to-know immunology and rheumatology topics, including the immune system in health and disease, disorders of immune-mediated injuries, and disorders of the joints and adjacent tissues Integration of pathophysiology with clinical management topics in each of the disease-oriented topics Helpful appendix of laboratory values of clinical importance 60+ high-yield questions and answers drawn from Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Self-Assessment and Board Review, 17e Content and reference updates since the publication of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17e 23 chapters written by physicians who have made seminal contributions to the body of knowledge in their areas of expertise The Harrison's specialty series is written by the world-renowned author team who brought you Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 17e
Anthony S. Fauci, MD
Eugene Braunwald, MD
Dennis L. Kasper, MD
Stephen L. Hauser, MD
Dan L. Longo, MD
J. Larry Johnson, MD, PhD
Joseph Lascalzo, MD, PhD

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