How to Design and Implement Powder-to-Tablet Continuous Manufacturing Systems

ISBN: 9780128134795
Код товара 104710

Muzzio Fernando / Фернандо Муззио

How to Design and Implement Powder-to-Tablet Continuous Manufacturing Systems

How to Design and Implement Powder-to-Tablet Continuous Manufacturing Systems

ISBN: 9780128134795
Код товара 104710

14692 ₽  11 754 ₽

В наличии: 1 шт.

  • Автор

    Muzzio Fernando / Фернандо Муззио

  • Издатель

    Elsevier Science

  • Тип обложки


  • Размеры

    151 x 225 x 27

  • Год издания


  • Вес (г)


  • ISBN


  • Язык


  • Кол-во страниц


О чём книга?

How to Design and Implement Powder-to-Tablet Continuous Manufacturing Systems provides a comprehensive overview on the considerations necessary for the design of continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing processes. The book covers both the theory and design of continuous processing of associated unit operations, along with their characterization and control. In addition, it discusses practical insights and strategies that the editor and chapter authors have learned. Chapters cover Process Analytical Technology (PAT) tools and the application of PAT data to enable distributed process control.

With numerous case studies throughout, this valuable guide is ideal for those engaged in, or learning about, continuous processing in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

  • Discusses the development of strategy blueprints in the design of continuous processes
  • Shows how to create process flowsheet models from individual unit operation models
  • Includes a chapter on characterization methods for materials, the use of statistical methods to analyze material property data, and the use of material databases
  • Covers the evolving regulatory expectations for continuous manufacturing
  • Provides readers with ways to more effectively navigate these expectations

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