ISBN: 9781496358158
Код товара 103804
MD Anderson Surgical Oncology Handbook
ISBN: 9781496358158
Код товара 103804
Feig Barry
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Тип обложки
200 x 125 x 25
Год издания
Вес (г)
Кол-во страниц
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The sixth edition of the MD Anderson Surgical Oncology Handbook focuses on multidisciplinary, cooperative approaches to issues confronting the surgical oncologist. Organized by disease and in full color for the first time, this volume is comprehensive yet concise, and takes into account all of the oncologic issues you need to consider in order to fully understand each disease and its relevant treatments.
The sixth edition of the MD Anderson Surgical Oncology Handbook focuses on multidisciplinary, cooperative approaches to issues confronting the surgical oncologist. Organized by disease and in full color for the first time, this volume is comprehensive yet concise, and takes into account all of the oncologic issues you need to consider in order to fully understand each disease and its relevant treatments.
- Written by current and former MD Anderson surgical oncology fellows.
- Each disease- or system-specific chapter covers epidemiology, pathology, staging, diagnosis, clinical presentation, surgical treatment and targeted therapies, and more.
- Includes a new chapter on peritoneal malignancies and is updated with the latest staging and protocols.
- Ideal for surgical residents, medical students facing a surgical/oncology rotation, and practicing surgeons.
- Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
- Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
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