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Ветеринарная медицина: Маленькие животные 164 книги
изд. 2015
Terry W. Campbell / Терри У. Кэмпбелл Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology
- изд. 2015
Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology, Fourth Edition updates the most comprehensive reference available on exotic animal hematology and cytology of all major species. Abundantly illustrated throughout, the book acts as both an atlas and a text, offering high–quality photographs and step–by–step de...
20 109 ₽
изд. 2015
Dominique J. Griffon,Annick Hamaide Complications in Small Animal Surgery
- изд. 2015
Complications in Small Animal Surgery provides a complete reference to diagnosing, managing, and treating surgical complications, with information following a standardized format for ease of use.
20 109 ₽
изд. 2016
Evans Howard E., De Lahunta Alexander / Говард Эванс, Александер де Ла Guide to the Dissection of the Dog
- изд. 2016
Get an up-close look at canine anatomy with the only complete guide to the dissection of the dog. Utilizing detailed descriptions and more than 300 high-quality color anatomic drawings, Guide to the Dissection of the Dog, 8th Edition walks you through how to perform precise canine dissections while ...
10 890 ₽
изд. 2016
Phillip Lerche,Turi Aarnes,Gwen Covey–Crump,Fernando Martinez Taboada Handbook of Small Animal Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia Techniques
- изд. 2016
This is a concise visual guide to the major techniques of regional anesthesia and analgesia for small animal practitioners, with complete coverage of the relevant physics, physiology, and pharmacology.
6 803 ₽
изд. 2016
Toby Gemmill,Dylan Clements BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Fracture Repair and Management
- изд. 2016
The ability to repair and manage fractures is an everyday necessity in practice, and this new edition builds on the foundation laid by its predecessor, with an increased focus on implants, grafts and surgery. Previous sections have been expanded and updated: the manual gives a detailed overview of s...
15 048 ₽
изд. 2016
Jennifer Boyle Crow and Walshaw's Manual of Clinical Procedures in Dogs, Cats, Rabbits and Rodents
- изд. 2016
Die 4. Auflage von Crow & Walshaw's Manual of Clinical Procedures in Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, & Rodents bietet praktische und aktuelle Informationen zu haufigen Eingriffen bei Wustenrennmausen, Hamstern, Meerschweinchen, Hunden, Katzen und Kaninchen und enthalt detaillierte Strichzeichnungen und Fotos,...
9 496 ₽
изд. 2016
McMichael Maureen Life-Threatening Cardiac Emergencies for the Small Animal Pr
- изд. 2016
Life-Threatening Cardiac Emergencies for the Small Animal Practitioner offers a quick reference to recognizing and treating common cardiac arrhythmias and emergent cardiac conditions in canine and feline patients, designed for fast access during an emergency.
6 803 ₽
изд. 2016
Kirberger Robert M BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal Imaging
- изд. 2016
Diese neue Ausgabe von BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Musculoskeletal Imaging baut auf der praxisorientierten Struktur der Vorg ngerausgabe auf und pr sentiert die Kapitelinhalte nach anatomischen Gesichtspunkten. Gelenke, R hrenknochen, Sch del und Wirbels ule werden in einzelnen Kapiteln betrachtet....
15 048 ₽
изд. 2017
Meuten Tumors in Domestic Animals
- изд. 2017
Tumors in Domestic Animals, Fifth Edition is a fully revised new edition of the most comprehensive and authoritative reference on veterinary tumor pathology in common domestic animals, now in full color throughout with the most current advances in research and diagnostics.
30 088 ₽
изд. 2016
Kirby Rebecca Monitoring and Intervention for the Critically Ill Small Ani
- изд. 2016
Monitoring and Intervention for the Critically Ill Small Animal: The Rule of 20 offers guidance for assessing the patient, interpreting diagnostic test results, and selecting appropriate monitoring procedures.
14 882 ₽
изд. 2016
Kiehl Atlas for the Diagnosis of Tumors in the Dog and Cat
- изд. 2016
Atlas for the Diagnosis of Tumors in the Dog and Cat is a diagnostic tool for determining if samples are abnormal and defining the cause of the abnormality, with 386 clinical images depicting normal and abnormal results.
17 099 ₽
изд. 2017
Sink Practical Transfusion Medicine for the Small Anima l Practitioner
- изд. 2017
Practical Transfusion Medicine for the Small Animal Practitioner, Second Edition provides clinically oriented guidance on all aspects of blood banking, compatibility testing, and patient blood management for dogs and cats.
8 229 ₽
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