Теория и исследования ухода за больными 64 книги
Nursing Research 11E (Int Ed) Pb
изд. 2020

Polit, Denise F., / Денис Ф. Полит Nursing Research 11E (Int Ed) Pb

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Whether used to help students learn how to perform research or how to critically appraise research reports for use in practice, this authoritative, approachable textbook shows how nursing research is applicable across today’s changing healthcare field. AJN award-winning authors Denise Polit and Cheryl...
11 326 ₽
Resource Manual Nursing Research 11E Pb
изд. 2020

Polit Resource Manual Nursing Research 11E Pb

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
The perfect complement to Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice, 11th Edition, this knowledge-building Resource Manual strengthens students’ understanding of concepts from the textbook and enhances their ability to confidently appraise and critique research studies....
6 347 ₽
Ethics and Law for Australian Nurses
изд. 2020

Kim Atkins, Sheryl de Lacey, Bernhard Ripperger, Rebecca Ripperger Ethics and Law for Australian Nurses

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
A sound understanding of moral and legal obligations is critical to developing responsible nursing practice and building the nurse-patient relationship. The fourth edition of Ethics and Law for Australian Nurses provides a practical framework for understanding the ethical and legal dimensions of nu...
8 235 ₽
Fund Investigacion En Enfermeria 9E Pb
изд. 2018

Polit Fund Investigacion En Enfermeria 9E Pb

  • изд. 2018
Fundamentos de investigaci n en enfermer a se centra en el arte y la ciencia de la cr tica de la investigaci n, con la convicci n de que el aprendizaje sobre los m todos de investigaci n no debe ser intimidante ni aburrido para el rea de enfermer a. Esta obra orienta a los estudiantes a evaluar los...
5 856 ₽
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