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Snowling J. Margaret, Schner G George, Pratt Geral Dyslexia
- изд. 2005
Deonna Epilepsy-Aphasia Spectrum: From Landau-Kleffner Syndrome to Rolandic Epilepsy
- изд. 2016
Kelley, Lorrie L. Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals
- изд. 2018
An ideal resource for the classroom or clinical setting, Sectional Anatomy for Imaging Professionals, 4th Edition provides a comprehensive, and highly visual approach to the sectional anatomy of the entire body. Side-by-side presentations of actual diagnostic images from both MRI and CT modalities and...
Brian Taylor Audiology Practice Management
- изд. 2018
Find Success in Practice as an Audiologist
Audiology Practice Management, Third Edition by Brian Taylor, provides new and established audiologists with everything they need to know about running a practice in the 21st century. This new edition offers expert approaches to starting and maintaining a practice...
Cummings Louise Speech and Language Therapy
- изд. 2018
Guitar, Barry Stuttering
- изд. 2019
Meyer Carly, Scarinci Nerina, Hickson Louise Patient and Family-Centered Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
- изд. 2019
Ryan C. Branski, Sonja Molfenter Speech-Language Pathology Casebook
- изд. 2020
Exceptionally insightful speech-language pathology textbook highlights individual cases to augment learning!
Speech-Language Pathology Casebook by Ryan Branski, Sonja Molfenter, and an impressive array of contributors presents a diverse spectrum of cases covering communication, voice, and swallowing ...
Neurociencia. La exploraci'n del cerebro
- изд. 2016
Strand Edythe A., McCauley Rebecca J. Dynamic Evaluation of Motor Speech Skill (Demss) Manual
- изд. 2018
Sperber, Geoffrey H. Sperber, Steven M. Craniofacial embryogenetics and development
- изд. 2018
Kathleen Scaler Scott Fluency Plus: Managing Fluency Disorders in Individuals With Multiple Diagnoses
- изд. 2018
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