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Dixon, Martyn R. Subbotin, Igor Ya. Kurdachenko, L / Мартин Диксон Language production
- изд. 2023

Margolis Learning Disorders Across the Lifespan
- изд. 2023

Wiklund Speech and Interaction of Preadolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- изд. 2023

David Zhang; Kebin Wu Pathological Voice Analysis
- изд. 2020

Debra Suiter, Memorie Gosa Assessing and Treating Dysphagia: A Lifespan Perspective
- изд. 2019
The definitive educational guide on the diagnosis and management of dysphagia across the full age continuum
Dysphagia presentation and treatment differs at various stages of life. Assessing and Treating Dysphagia: A Lifespan Perspective reflects significant knowledge and pearls from esteemed adult and...

Kelly Vess Speech Sound Disorders: Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment
- изд. 2021
An innovative and invaluable resource for students and professionals to effectively treat children with speech sound disorders
Children with speech sound disorders are at higher risk of academic failure, behavioral difficulties, motor impairments, language delays, and literacy deficits. Speech Sound ...

Valente, Michael Valente, L. Maureen Adult Audiology Casebook
- изд. 2020
Real-life cases enable students and practitioners to integrate adult-centered audiology knowledge into clinical practice!
Adult Audiology Casebook, Second Edition by esteemed researchers and educators Michael Valente and L. Maureen Valente presents all new cases, reflecting issues that have become more...

Christopher Watts, Shaheen Awan Laryngeal Function and Voice Disorders: Basic Science to Clinical Practice
- изд. 2018
The definitive evidence-based resource on the diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders
Laryngeal Function and Voice Disorders: Basic Science to Clinical Practice by renowned experts Christopher Watts and Shaheen Awan focuses on the latest developments in the assessment and management of voice disorders....

Gavin Reid Dyslexia: A Practitioner's Handbook
- изд. 2016

Ganz Jennifer B., Simpson Richard L. Interventions for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Complex Communication Needs
- изд. 2018

Cyndi Stein-Rubin, Renee Fabus A Guide to Clinical Assessment & Professional Report Writing in Speech-Language Pathology
- изд. 2018

Nancy B. Swigert Documentation and Reimbursement for Speech-Language Pathologists: Principles and Practice
- изд. 2018
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