Лечение речевых расстройств и дисфункций 72 книги
Tinnitus treatment
изд. 2022

Tinnitus treatment

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022

The quintessential clinical guide for audiologists on tinnitus and hyperacusis patient management

Since publication of the first edition in 2005, new developments have impacted the treatment paradigm for tinnitus, such as sensory meditation and mindfulness. Tinnitus Treatment: Clinical Protocols, Second...

11 560 ₽
Facial-Oral Tract Therapy (F.O.T.T.): For Eating, Swallowing, Nonverbal Communication and Speech
изд. 2021

Nusser-Mьller-Busch Ricki, Gampp Lehmann Karin Facial-Oral Tract Therapy (F.O.T.T.): For Eating, Swallowing, Nonverbal Communication and Speech

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
The book offers a comprehensive approach to the assessment and treatment of disturbances in facial expression, oral movement, swallowing, breathing, voice and speech production caused by developmental and acquired neurological conditions.
19 564 ₽
Reading Success in the Primary Years: An Evidence-Based Interdisciplinary Approach to Guide Assessment and Intervention
изд. 2020

Westerveld Marleen F., Armstrong Rebecca M., Barton Georgina M. Reading Success in the Primary Years: An Evidence-Based Interdisciplinary Approach to Guide Assessment and Intervention

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This open access book describes the Reading Success project, in which a 5-step, assessment-to- intervention process, based on the Simple View of Reading, was used within a primary school setting in Australia to better support those students who struggle with reading.
2 794 ₽
Translational Neuroscience of Speech and Language Disorders
изд. 2020

Argyropoulos Georgios P. D. Translational Neuroscience of Speech and Language Disorders

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This book provides the first presentation of the state-of-the-art in the application of modern Neuroscience research in predicting, preventing and alleviating the negative sequelae of neurodevelopmental, acquired, or neurodegenerative brain abnormalities on speech and language.
13 974 ₽
Children and Mental Health Talk: Perspectives on Social Competence
изд. 2021

Lamerichs Joyce, Danby Susan J., Bateman Amanda Children and Mental Health Talk: Perspectives on Social Competence

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021

Chapter 1: Professional practices and children's social competence in mental health talk; Danby, Lamerichs, Bateman & Ekberg.- Chapter 2: Testing children's degrees and domains of social competence in child mental health assessments; O'Reilly, Kiyimba & Hutchby.- Chapter 3: Children's...

12 577 ₽
Translational Neuroscience of Speech and Language Disorders
изд. 2021

Argyropoulos Georgios P. D. Translational Neuroscience of Speech and Language Disorders

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
This book provides the first presentation of the state-of-the-art in the application of modern Neuroscience research in predicting, preventing and alleviating the negative sequelae of neurodevelopmental, acquired, or neurodegenerative brain abnormalities on speech and language.
13 974 ₽
Nvld and developmental visual-spatial disorder in children
изд. 2020

Broitman, Jessica Melcher, Miranda Margolis, Amy Davis, John M. Nvld and developmental visual-spatial disorder in children

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This unique volume explores issues related to working with children who have nonverbal learning disability (NVLD). It examines how a child’s psychology – thoughts, feelings, beliefs – affects his or her functioning and learning. In addition, the book addresses how a child’s experiences are processed...
12 577 ₽
Children and Mental Health Talk
изд. 2019

Joyce Lamerichs; Susan J. Danby; Amanda Bateman; S Children and Mental Health Talk

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This timely collection explores how children display social competence in talking about their mental health and wellbeing. The authors analyse recorded conversations of young people’s interactions with professionals in which they disclose particular mental health concerns and their ways of coping, drawing...
18 167 ₽
Stuttering and related disorders of fluency
изд. 2022

Stuttering and related disorders of fluency

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022

A student-friendly resource on stuttering and related fluency disorders by a who's who of global experts

Stuttering and Related Disorders of Fluency, Fourth Edition honors the philosophy that discoveries of the past are the bedrock of the present and the inspiration for future explorations—in this...

14 037 ₽
When words betray us
изд. 2023

Blumstein, Sheila E. When words betray us

  • изд. 2023
This book presents a journey into how language is put together for speaking and understanding and how it can come apart when there is injury to the brain. The goal is to provide a window into language and the brain through the lens of aphasia, a speech and language disorder resulting from brain inju...
6 288 ₽
Handbook of Speech-Language Therapy in Sub-Saharan Africa
изд. 2023

L'dtke Handbook of Speech-Language Therapy in Sub-Saharan Africa

  • ENG
  • изд. 2023
This book synthesizes research on language development and communication disability in Sub-Saharan Africa and highlights best practices for providing speech and language therapy services to individuals with language, communication, and hearing disorders across the lifespan. The book brings together ...
34 937 ₽
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