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Психотерапия 627 книг

изд. 2018
Knipe, James / Джеймс Найп Emdr toolbox
- изд. 2018
Delivers a powerful set of EMDR-based tools - useful strategies for helping difficult-to-treat clients with complex emotional problems. This second edition reflects the author`s ongoing efforts to design treatments that can significantly extend the therapeutic power of methods based on an Adaptive...
18 431 ₽

изд. 2018
Bertolino Bob Effective Counseling and Psychotherapy: An Evidence-Based Approach
- изд. 2018
Grounded in over 50 years of outcome research, this comprehensive textbook focuses on outcomes management and the principles and core strategies for delivering competent and effective therapeutic practice. Applicable to all settings and models, the text illuminates four foundational principles of th...
11 261 ₽

изд. 2020
Wheeler Kathleen Psychotherapy for the Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurse, Third Edition
- изд. 2020
A how-to compendium of evidence-based approaches for both new and experienced advanced practice psychiatric nurses and students. This expanded third edition includes a revised framework for practice based on new theory and research on attachment and neurophysiology.
18 769 ₽

изд. 2020
Duschinsky, Robbie (senior University Lecturer, Primary Care Unit, Senior University Lecturer, Primary Care Unit, University Of Cambridge) Cornerstones of attachment research
- изд. 2020
Attachment theory is among the most popular theories of human socioemotional development, with a global research community and widespread interest. This book re-examines the work of key laboratories that have contributed to the study of attachment, along with the inviduals who have contributed to it...
11 326 ₽

изд. 2020
Duncan, Perry M. (old Dominion University, Virginia) Neuroscience of drug abuse and addiction
- изд. 2020
Suitable for advanced undergraduates or graduate students in psychology, counseling, social work, nursing, or medicine, this book surveys evidence about substance use disorders from a range of fields; including genetics, pharmacology, neuroscience, psychiatry, and psychology, as well as personal acc...
25 740 ₽

изд. 2020
Bernstein Douglas A., Teachman Bethany A., Olatunji Bunmi O. Introduction to Clinical Psychology: Bridging Science and Practice
- изд. 2020
A clearly written introduction to the science and practice of clinical psychology for intellectually curious undergraduates who may or may not be psychology majors, but who have an interest in the field. Readers whose backgrounds include coursework in introductory psychology and abnormal psychology ...
11 324 ₽

изд. 2020
Hurley E. C. Clinician's Guide for Treating Active Military and Veteran Populations with EMDR Therapy
- изд. 2020
Based on the profound expertise of the author - an EMDR therapist, consultant, and trainer who brings 33 years of military experience to his therapeutic work - this is a how-to manual on the unique treatment needs of active duty and veteran populations and how to help them using EMDR therapy.
9 760 ₽

изд. 2020
Hensley Barbara An Emdr Therapy Primer: From Practicum to Practice
- изд. 2020
Overs a step-by-step overview of the foundations of EMDR therapy presented in easily accessible, conversational language, and helps both new and experienced clinicians to maximize their preparation and skills in using EMDR safely, confidently, and effectively.
9 760 ₽

изд. 2021
Passmore Jonathan, Tee David Coaching Researched: A Coaching Psychology Reader for Practitioners and Researchers
- изд. 2021
Of interest to German, Dutch, Frisian, English, and Scandinavian linguists, and also those in general historical linguistics, phonology, and Indo-European, this book examines the relationship between three major quantity changes in the history of the Germanic language group: consonant lengthening, v...
6 341 ₽

изд. 2018
Butler, Gillian; Grey, Nick; Hope, Tony Manage Your Mind
- изд. 2018
Manage Your Mind is a book for building resilience, overcoming emotional difficulties, and enabling self-development. With well over 200,000 copies sold, Manage Your Mind remains the definitive self-help guide for anyone seeking to lead a more enjoyable and productive life.
2 850 ₽

изд. 2020
Cozolino Louis / Луис Косолино The Pocket Guide to Neuroscience for Clinicians
- изд. 2020
A brief guide to the most important neuroscience concepts for all mental health professionals.
4 117 ₽

изд. 2020
Stauffer Kathrin A. Emotional Neglect and the Adult in Therapy: Lifelong Consequences to a Lack of Early Attunement
- изд. 2020
A clinical examination of the ways in which early neglect can impact adults throughout their lives, and suggestions for therapists on how to help.
4 434 ₽
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